Specify the development process model

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM13908848

We are doing project 'Website Development" as a group. We need to do SPMP. My part in SPMP is section 4.6(attached my part file). we are using spiral methology from project. please explain how we use spiral methodology to my project in process model.


The Rehmat distribution company is a small charity bag distribution company, where they deliver the charity bags for Paravin Company. The project is about creating an inventory control online, where everyone inside the company can know more about their work location, timetable and number of bags to be distributed.


Distribution system is to be delivered to Rehmat Distributions. Quantum Software solutions will be using Spiral Methodology to deliver this project. Initially, we gather all information to develop the system.
Software used to develop the system are:
• Microsoft Project: For creating SPMP
• Enterprise Architect: Case tools
• Dreamweaver : Designing website
• PHP/MYSQL : For database
• Microsoft Excel/Word/PowerPoint: For documentation, presentation and database

Hardware used to develop the system are:
• Computer: 2.8 GHz Intel core i7 processor, 12GB of RAM, and a 1TB hard drive to process large files quickly and efficiently
• Server:Web server to host website
• External Hard Drive : 1TB hard drive to backup data
• Printer/ Scanner: to print and scan documents


We have undertaken this project on 23 March 2015 and the system will be estimated to finish and submit the prototype by end of this semester that is Jun 14, 2015.

We have identified several steps involved in developing the system. Each and every time period is crucial for development of the system.

The major timeframe involved in this project are:-

First Step: Tender Bid to the client done in Client's Office on Week 1 of Project deliverable.

Second Step: SPMP in week 4

Third Step: Milestone 1 (Initial Prototype) in week 6

Fourth Step: Milestone 2(Analysis Presentation and partial Prototype) in week 8

Technical process plans

This clause of the SPMP shall specify the development process model, the technical methods, tools, and techniques to be used to develop the various work products; plans for establishing and maintaining the project infrastructure; and the product acceptance plan.

Process model

This subclause of the SPMP shall de?ne the relationships among major project work activities and supporting processes by specifying the ?ow of information and work products among activities and functions, the timing of work products to be generated, reviews to be conducted, major milestones to be achieved, baselines to be established, project deliverables to be completed, and required approvals that span the duration of the project. The process model for the project shall include project initiation and project termination activities. To describe the process model, a combination of graphical and textual notations may be used. Any tailoring of an organization's standard process model for a project shall be indicated in this subclause.

Methods, tools, and techniques

This subclause of the SPMP shall specify the development methodologies, programming languages and other notations, and the tools and techniques to be used to specify, design, build, test, integrate, document, deliver, modify and maintain the project deliverable and non-deliverable work products. In addition, the technical standards, policies, and procedures governing development and/or modi?cation of the work products shall be speci?ed.

Infrastructure plan

This subclause of the SPMP shall specify the plan for establishing and maintaining the development environment (hardware, operating system, network, and software), and the policies, procedures, standards, and facilities required to conduct the software project. These resources may include workstations, local area networks, software tools for analysis, design, implementation, testing, and project management, desks, of?ce space, and provisions for physical security, administrative personnel, and janitorial services.

Product acceptance plan

This subclause of the SPMP shall specify the plan for acquirer acceptance of the deliverable work products generated by the software project. Objective criteria for determining acceptability of the deliverable work products shall be speci?ed in this plan and a formal agreement of the acceptance criteria shall be signed by representatives of the development organization and the acquiring organization. Any technical processes, methods, or tools required for product acceptance shall be speci?ed in the product acceptance plan. Methods such as testing, demonstration, analysis and inspection should be speci?ed in this plan.

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Reference no: EM13908848

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