Reference no: EM13190892
specify the following using the information in table 6.4. quantities are given in millions of dollars
gross private domestice investment 586.1
inventory investment =30.9
compensation of employees 5,178.6
corporate taxes 215.9
macrovian exports of good and services 380.4
depreciation 643.5
personal taxes 600.0
personal consumption expenditures 3,514.8
government purchases of goods and services 1,589.7
indirect business taxes minus subsidies 489.6
net factor payments to the rest of the world -17.3
residential construction 453.7
corporate profits minus dividends 45.7
governm transfer payments and interest 337.1
macrovian import of goods 285.0
social transfer payments 441.7
private investment, GDP, GNP, NNP, national income and personal income