Specific circumstances

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM13140231

Part A 
Compare the essential characteristics of partnerships , co-operatives  and companies'the business structures'. 

In your answer you must discuss: 
• the respective advantages and disadvantages of each of these business structures 
• the steps required in forming a partnership, a co-operative and a company - and how each business structure can be ended 
• further structural options within each of the business structures (eg provided certain requirements are met a partnership may be a general partnership or a limited partnership) 
• how capital may be raised, and any restrictions on capital raising for each business structure 
• the regulatory environment for each business structure (is there a specific regulator? Does specific legislation apply to that structure? If so, is it state, commonwealth or a combination of both?) 
• internal management and governance requirements for each business structure. 

Note: limit your comparison to partnerships, co-operatives and companies - and structures within these. DO NOT discuss sole traders, joint ventures, franchises, associations. And make sure you use the correct state based legislation for your location ... 

Part B 
Based on your comparison in Part A, advise Liam, Nisha, Saul and Jing which business structure is most appropriate given the specific circumstances of the Bio Breads operations as set out above. In your answer you must give reasons for your advice.

Reference no: EM13140231

Questions Cloud

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What is the value of the unknown equilibrium constant : Given the information below, what is the value of the unknown equilibrium constant?
Specific circumstances : Based on your comparison in Part A, advise Liam, Nisha, Saul and Jing which business structure is most appropriate given the specific circumstances of the Bio Breads operations as set out above. In your answer you must give reasons for your advice.
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Calculate t value for independent groups for data : Draw the appropriate conclusions with respect to female and male human resource manager salary levels. Calculate the t value for independent groups for the following data. Check the accuracy of your calculations.


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