Spearman rank correlation coefficient

Assignment Help Mathematics
Reference no: EM13924881

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1. From Table IV normal curve areas
(1) Z(α=0.01) ?
(2) Probability(Z<-1.28) ?

2. From Table 7 Chi-Square distribution
(1) χ²(19, α=0.990) ?
(2) Probability(19.77< χ²(29)<42.56) ?

3. From Table 8 Student t distribution
(1) t(24, α=0.025) ?
(2) Probability(-1.372<t(10)<2.764) ?

4. From Table 9 F distribution
(1) F(8,29, α=0.01) ?
(2) Probability(F(4,60)<2.53) ?

5. From Table 11 Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient
(1) rs(17, α=0.025) ?
(2) Probability(rs(25)<0.526) ?

6, From Table 12 Durbin-Watson Test Statistic
(1) (dL:dU)(4,30, α=0.01) ?
(2) Probability((dL:dU)(2,40)<(1,39:1,60) ?

7. The regression run is

Dependent variable: log(output/plant)
Predictor coef squared error
Constant 2.023 0.044
Log(worker/plant) 0.745 0.081

Analysis of variance
Source DF sum of squared
Regression 1 1.062
Residual error 22 0.369
Total 23 1.431

(1) coefficients of constant(b0), worker(b1), and plant(b2) ?
b0 ?
b1 ?
b2 ?
(2) R-Sq. ?
(3) test H0: b1=0, H1: b1≠0, α=0.05 ?
(4) ) test H0: b1=0, H1: b1≠0, α=0.10, using F Distribution ?

8. The estimated regression equation is

Sales=12.7+140 North+96 Central+0.025 Income+0.017 NorthxIncome
+0.006 CentralxIncome
R-sq=0.99, F=747.7, Base=South

(1) average sales in South, North, and Central ?
AS South ?
AS North ?
AS Central ?
(2) As South income increases $1, South sales change ?
As North income increases $1, North sales change ?
As Central income increases $1, Central sales change ?

9. The estimated regression equation is

Advertising=-43.8+0.019 Sales+0.479 Advertising(-1)
R-sq=0.96, F=233.4

(1) As sales in current year increases $1, Advertising change in next year ?

(2) As sales in current year increases $1, Advertising change in two year ?

10. The 5 students rate (1 ~ 10) on pizza A and pizza B:

Student A B
1 6 8
2 4 9
3 5 4
4 8 5
5 3 7

(1) find Wilcoxon signed rank statistic T ?
(2) test H0: T=(ranksum(+) + ranksum(-))/2, α=0.05
H1: T<(ranksum(+) + ranksum(-))/2

11. The two-way analysis of variance table on fuel consumption(miles/gallon):
Source DF Sum of squared
K=3 car 2 6.16
H=5 driver 4 12.15
L=3 interaction 8 5.10
Error 30 1.16
Total 44 25.07 R-sq=0.96
(1) test H0: μ1=....= μk, H1: μ1≠....≠ μk, α=0.01
(2) test H0: μ1=....= μh, H1: μ1≠....≠ μh, α=0.01
(3) test H0: interaction Yes, H1: interaction No, α=0.01

12. The Laspeyres Price Index table:

Year Food Cloth Meat
1 Quantity 140 420 110
1 Price 1.30 1.40 2.80
2 Price 1.40 1.10 3.00
3 Price 1.80 1.60 4.40

(1) Base year 1, LPI year 2 ?
LPI year 3 ?

(2) Base year changes to year 2, LPI year 1?
LPI year 2 ?
LPI year 3 ?

13. The quarterly earnings data:

Year.quarter X
1.1 30
1.2 46
1.3 35
1.4 91
2.1 33
2.2 55
2.3 44
2.4 104

(1) 4-point moving averages for 1.2.1/2, ?
1.3/1/2 ?
1.4.1/2, ?
2.1.1/2 ?
2.2.1/2 ?

(2) central 4-point MA for 1.3 ?
1.3 ?
2.1 ?
2.2 ?

(3) seasonal indexes for 1.3 ?
1.4 ?
2.1 ?
2.2 ?

(4) seasonally adjusted earnings for 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 ?

14. The estimated autoregression model:

Sales=314+1.18 Sales(-1)-0.36 Sales(-2)

(1) Sales(2013)=140 and Sales(2014)=130, Sales(2015) ?

(2) Sales(2016) ?

Reference no: EM13924881

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