Reference no: EM13170296
Fill in the blanks
1. _____________ was the wife of a Founding Father (and president of the United States) who urged her husband to "remember the ladies and be more generous and more favorable to them than your ancestors."
2. The revolutionary firebrand , _____________, wanted to solve Virginia's "Indian problem," by encouraging intermarriage between Indians and whites.
3. ________ did not ratify the Constitution until 1790.
4. The state of ____________ was notorious for favoring debtors over the people to whom they owed money.
5. A Spanish diplomat, _________________, tried to split the infant United States by offering the northeastern states trade privileges in the Spanish colonies in return for giving up use of the Mississippi for 25 years.
6. During the Confederation period, British schemers tried to detach the entire future state of _______ from the United States.
7. A conflict between Virginia and Maryland over ______________, of all things, was the reason for the first of a series of meetings that led to the writing of the Constitution.
8. A rebellion in Massachusetts led by ___________ convinced large numbers of American political leaders that it was necessary to create a stronger central government.
9. The oldest delegate to the Constitutional Convention was Pennsylvania's famous and venerable ________
10. The United States' chief exponent of "mixed government," that is, mixing principles of monarchy, aristocracy, and democracy, __________, did not attend the Constitutional Convention because he was in England serving as American minister to that country.
11. An organization of revolutionary officers, the Order of ___________, urged Washington to become a king or, at least, president for life.
12. Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, _________, negotiated a treaty that headed off war between the United States and England.
13. Pinckney's Treaty granted Americans the ________________ in New Orleans, a trading privilege allowing them to store products destined for export in the then Spanish city.
14. The most powerful Indian tribes of the Northwest Territory before 1794 were the Miamis and the ________.
15. An uprising of Pennsylvania frontier farmers angered by Hamilton's tax policies was called the _________________.
16. President __________ was mocked behind his back as "His Rotundity," a gibe at his figure and pomposity.
17. ____ Although he was intended to be vice president, because of a lack of communication among Republicans, __________ won as many electoral votes in 1800 as presidential candidate Jefferson.
18. ______ was the Jefferson Republican vice-presidential candidate in the election of 1796
19. The king executed during the French Revolution was _________.
20. The man responsible for putting the financial affairs of the new republic in order was ________________.
21. By sacrificing the political job of fellow Federalist William Marbury, ____________ asserted the authority of the Supreme Court, the only branch of government dominated by Federalist ideals in the age of Jefferson.
22. President Jefferson commissioned fellow Virginians, _______________, to explore the newly purchased Louisiana Territory and beyond.
23. A successful rebellion by slaves and free men of color in the French colony of _____ prompted Napoleon to sell Louisiana to the United States.
24. The French foreign minister who handled the sale of Louisiana to the United States, _________, had recently tried to bribe American diplomats in the X,Y,Z Affair.
25. James Wilkinson, the governor of Louisiana Territory, accused __________ of treason.
26. In 1807, the _________, an American warship, was attacked in American waters by a British vessel, the Leopard, nearly causing a war.
27. The ________, Jefferson's policy aimed at pressuring Britain on trade without going to war, was unpopular with American seamen and shipowners because it required American ships to remain in port.
28. Tecumseh and his brother, __________, hoped to end white expansion by uniting the Indians and reviving customs and beliefs that had been in decline.
29. Tecumseh was killed at the Battle of __________, effectively ending serious Indian threats to Ohio and Indiana.
30. The American commander of a motley but dramatically successful defense force at New Orleans in 1815 was ______________.