Southern farmers alliance and the colored farmers alliance

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Reference no: EM13160792

1. The Southern Farmers' Alliance and the Colored Farmers' Alliance

A) found common cause in the struggle to end racism.

B) were in total agreement and worked together harmoniously.

C) disagreed on some issues but attempted to make common cause on others.

D) had total disregard for each other's interests.

2. The platform of the People's Party in the 1890s
A) presented an alternative vision of economic democracy.
B) called for less government involvement in the U.S. economy.
C) was simply a shortsighted response to hard times.
D) called for the reorganization of the U.S. government along communist principles.
3. Several men were killed and many others were injured at the Homestead steel mill after Henry Clay Frick
A) convinced the Pennsylvania National Guard to defend the plant.
B) had strikebreakers fire on the strikers.
C) shut the plant's doors and armed nonunion workers.
D) hired Pinkertons to enter the plant via the river.
4. In the late nineteenth century, the temperance movement attracted women because
A) it promoted churchgoing.
B) they saw temperance as a women's issue.
C) they wanted to keep the issue out of national politics.
D) it gave them social standing.
5. The Populist politician Tom Watson of Georgia openly courted African American voters,
A) denouncing the “moral, political, and material ruin” that slavery had brought upon the South.
B) going so far as to select a black preacher for his running mate.
C) but many Populists remained racist in their attitudes toward blacks.
D) but he had to leave the state after angry whites threatened to lynch him.
6. A major obstacle to the alignment of the Populists and Democrats in the election of 1896 was
A) William Jennings Bryan's conservative running mate, Arthur Sewall.

B) the Democratic campaign's focus on woman suffrage.

C) western Populists' hatred of Democrats.

D) William McKinley's running mate.

7. America's stake in the Spanish-American War included

A) the area in which the United States hoped to build the Panama Canal.

B) an area of Florida claimed by both Spain and the United States as well as American business interests in Venezuela.

C) potential naval bases in Cuba and the Philippines.

D) Cuban independence from Spain, American trade with Cuba, and Asian expansion.

8. The Platt Amendment in the 1898 Cuban constitution

A) established a two-party system in Cuba.
B) made it Cuba's responsibility to establish a democracy and clean up the island.
C) restricted Cuba's independence and gave the United States the power to oversee Cuban debt.
D) gave Cuba total independence.
9. The 1898 Treaty of Paris that ended the war with Spain ceded to the United States
A) the Virgin Islands and Guantánamo.
B) San Salvador and the Virgin Islands.
C) the Philippines and Cuba.
D) Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines.
10. William Jennings Bryan and other anti-imperialists opposed foreign acquisitions because they believed
A) that expansionism would distract the nation from its domestic problems.
B) that the violence that often accompanied foreign acquisitions was against the law of God.
C) those acquisitions might lead to war with England.
D) America would have to assume the white man's burden.

Reference no: EM13160792

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