Sophisticated fundamental skills development

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133182341

Project Presentation: Based on Project completed and uploaded of r tentative 15 years  specialized career path in SCM (Supply Chain Management) and each evaluation criteria explanation done in 3 sequential phases (First0 - 5 years, Second: 6 - 10 Years and  Third: 11 - 15 Years)  

Analytical Criteria's

1. Job Positions and specialized SCM field/area targeted in 0 - 5 years, 6 -10 years and  11- 15 years and strong reasons that includes resources and commitment to assure to  achieve the drawn goals. 

2. Importance, Uniqueness and Practicality of your specific career planning that includes plan-schedule, time management and resources. 

3. Unique, Differentiated, refined, Sophisticated Personality traits (self-concept)  development pathway drawn for 15-years. 

4. Unique and Sophisticated Fundamental Skills development for 15 years that includes  continuous training and learning. 

5. Unique and Sophisticated Personal Management Skills development for 15 years that  includes continuous training and learning. 

6. Unique and Sophisticated Teamwork Skills development for 15 years that includes  continuous training and learning. 

7. Unique Soft -Skills development of high competence that includes continuous  improvement/evolvement for 15 years on collaboration, teamwork, communication,  problem-solving, interpersonal and relationship building. 

8. Unique Professional Networking that will assist to achieve your professional career 15  year goals. 

9. Unique Self -Analytical Performance Metrics that brings the very best on transparency,  accountability, integrity to ensure 15 years' progressive career path. 

10. Unique, Differentiated, Meaningful Milestones ensuring on right career track and  signifying progression on 15 years' career path. 

Reference no: EM133182341

Questions Cloud

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Sophisticated fundamental skills development : Project Presentation: Based on Project completed and uploaded of r tentative 15 years specialized career path in SCM (Supply Chain Management) and each evaluat
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