Some time on a new parallel computer

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM13162714

1. You are given some time on a new parallel computer. You run a program which parallelizes perfectly during

certain phases, but which must run serially during others.

a) If the best serial algorithm runs in 64s on one processor, and your parallel algorithm runs in 22s on 8

processors, what percentage of the parallel program is serial?

b) Determine the speedup.

c) You run another program that has three distinct phases. The first phase can optimally utilize up to 5

processors; so, on 6 or more processors no improvement is seen. The second phase can optimally utilize

up to 10 processors, and the third up to 15. The phases consume 20%, 20%, and 60% of the serial

running time, respectively. What is the speedup on 15 processors?

Reference no: EM13162714

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