Reference no: EM13162714
1. You are given some time on a new parallel computer. You run a program which parallelizes perfectly during
certain phases, but which must run serially during others.
a) If the best serial algorithm runs in 64s on one processor, and your parallel algorithm runs in 22s on 8
processors, what percentage of the parallel program is serial?
b) Determine the speedup.
c) You run another program that has three distinct phases. The first phase can optimally utilize up to 5
processors; so, on 6 or more processors no improvement is seen. The second phase can optimally utilize
up to 10 processors, and the third up to 15. The phases consume 20%, 20%, and 60% of the serial
running time, respectively. What is the speedup on 15 processors?
Design a calculator in assembly
: Design a calculator in assembly that can handle +,-,/,%, * and expresses errors in the case of division by zero or invalid characters using the template below.
Display the customerid from the orders table
: Display the CustomerID from the Orders table and the sum of the associated ItemPrice multiplied by Quantity using Gross Sales (with a space) as the column name from the OrderItems table.
Display all the lastnames from the customers table
: Display all the LastNames from the Customers table and any associated OrdersIDs from the Orders Table. Show the LastName even if they do not have any associated orders. Order the results by LastName in ascending order.
Distance between nodes u and v
: The distance between nodes u and v in graph is the length of the shortest path from u to v. Given a d-dimensional hypercube and a designated source node s, how many nodes are distance i from s, where 0
Some time on a new parallel computer
: You are given some time on a new parallel computer. You run a program which parallelizes perfectly during certain phases, but which must run serially during others.
Generate by means data.m an array
: Generate by measdata.m an array A withsize (365,24), containing temperature measurements for an entire year [1 January,..., 31 December], 24 hours a day [00.00h,...,23.00h].
Implement a nice graph datastructure
: Implement a nice graph datastructure. Implement two different greedy graph coloring algorithms. Shortest path algorithm and MST algorithms.
The time delay of a long-distance
: The time delay of a long-distance call can be determined by multiplying a small fixed constant by the number of communication links on the telephone network between the caller and callee.
Write a program that reads in a list of integer numbers and
: Write a program that reads in a list of integer numbers and print out the sum of all numbers, the average, the lowest and the highest value entered. The first input number indicates how many numbers the program is attempting to read. For example, if ..