Solving operating system problem

Assignment Help Operating System
Reference no: EM1379576

Question1. Assume a time sharing operating system allocated time slices of twenty milliseconds and the machine executed an average of 5000 instructions per microsecond. Discuss how many instructions could be executed in a single time slice?

Question2. Assume a password consisted of a string of nine characters from the English alphabet (26 characters). If each possible password could be tested in a microsecond, how long would it take to test all possible passwords?


Reference no: EM1379576

Questions Cloud

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Solving operating system problem : Assume a time sharing operating system allocated time slices of twenty milliseconds and the machine executed an average of 5000 instructions per microsecond.
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Creating a c language code : Prepare a c code or Modify code to ask user to input five gpas. then the program computes the average of the gpa and prints it to screen.
Describe function of operating system : Determine the functions that an operating system provides to make a computer run. Describe why that is an important feature and what an OS requires to be aware of to provide that service.


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