Solve variance of the five period-ahead forecast

Assignment Help Applied Statistics
Reference no: EM132356379

Question 1

You are given a random walk with a drift process defined to be the following:

Yt = Φ0 + Φ1Yt-1 + εt is white noise and Φ0 < 0 and Φ1 = 1.

a. What would the line plot look like for the Yt data series?
b. Solve for the five period-ahead forecast, Y^t+5.
c. Solve for the variance of the five period-ahead forecast error, Var(et+5).
d. Use your answers to parts (b) and (c) to comment on your ability to forecast a data series that has a unit root (and, therefore, can be modeled as a random walk with a drift process).

Question 2

A researcher obtains data for the X and Y variables and models simple linear regression estimation as follows:

Yt = β1 + β2Xt + εt

Suppose both the X and Y variables are non-stationary. In particular, each is a random walk process such that,

(2) Yt = Yt-1 + εt

(3) Xt = Xt-1 + εt

where εt is a white noise error term.

a. If the researcher estimates model (1) as it is, what is the main problem that he will encounter? Explain clearly.

b. You have advised the researcher that he needs to run model (1) using the first-differences of the variables. In order to explain why this technique works, first obtain the one-period lag of model (1). Second, re-write model (1) in first-differences. Now apply what you know about the X and Y processes. Then explain clearly why the first-differenced model solves the problem encountered in part (a).

Question 3
A researcher models the German inflation rate series, Yt, as an AR(1) process in the first-differences and obtains the following results. The standard errors are given in parentheses.

ΔYt = 0.628 + 0.417ΔYt-1
   (0.033)          (0.024)

R-squared = 0.73; n = 262
Serial Correlation LM test statistic lag 1 = 2.75
Serial Correlation LM test statistic lag 2 = 1.99
Serial Correlation LM test statistic lag 3 = 4.87

a. Is there evidence of serial correlation of order three in the model? Briefly explain.

b. Is ΔYt a stationary process? Conduct a relevant hypothesis test to answer this question.

c. Is Yt a stationary process? Conduct a relevant hypothesis test to answer this question.

d. Based on your answer to part (c), what does the line plot look like for the German inflation rate series?

e. Next, the researcher formally tests for the existence of a unit root in the German inflation rate series. He implements an Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) test and obtains the following results. Can this researcher formally conclude that the Japanese inflation rate series has a unit root?

Note: The relevant Dickey Fuller critical value at the 5 percent significance level is 90.34.

Unrestricted model: ΔYt = 0.002 - 0.183t + 0.764Yt-1 + 0.035ΔYt-1 + 0.174ΔYt-2
                                   (0.000)  (0.000)   (0.038)     (0.049)        (0.002)

Sum of Squares for Error = 48.69

Restricted model:

ΔYt = 0.004 + 0.166ΔYt + 0.278ΔYt-2
         (0.000)   (0.046)     (0.032)

Sum of Squares for Error = 87.57

Verified Expert

This task provides a detailed description on time series data.The time series data is a kind of data which depends on time.The unit root was validated using Augmented dickey fuller test.Normally the regression model with time series data normally have the issues of white noise which will be eliminated when the process is stationary.

Reference no: EM132356379

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8/12/2019 2:22:06 AM

This is homework assignment for the second half of the MFE 6220 course. There are three main questions based on random walks and unit roots, and each question has several parts to it. Homework 6 is worth 100 points in total. This assignment is due on Sunday, EST. Students will need to use the t-table (Table 4) and the Chi-Square table (Table 5) provided in Module 1 Part 1 to answer some of the questions on this homework.

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