Solve using javascript to implement rsa

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM13304195

ECB2234 Assignment

Use JavaScript to implement RSA including

(1) Key generation
(2) Encryption
(3) Decryption
(4) Signing
(5) Verifying

(i) In key generation, the two primes are required to be more than 200;

(ii) The public key is required to be more than 100;

(iii) Use the Euclidean algorithm and the extended Euclidean algorithm in the key generation;

(iv) Use the fast modular exponentiation algorithm for encryption, decryption, signing and verifying;

(v) Demonstration is required.

(vi) The JavaScript code is required to submit;

(vii) A document with chosen public and private parameters and demonstration data is required to submit.

Reference no: EM13304195

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