Reference no: EM131639613
Question: Know someone who is prone to anger? Nature has a way to calm such people: they get heart disease more often. Several observational studies have discovered a link between anger and heart disease. The best study looked at 12,986 people, of all races, chosen at random from four communities. When first examined, all subjects were between the ages of 45 and 64 and were free of heart disease. Let's focus on the 8474 people in this sample who had normal blood pressure.
A short psychological test, the Spielberger Trait Anger Scale, measured how easily each person became angry. There were 633 people in the high range of the anger scale, 4731 in the middle, and 3110 in the low range. Now follow these people forward in time for almost six years and compare the rate of heart disease in the high and low groups. There are some lurking variables: people in the high-anger group are somewhat more likely to be male, to have less than a high school education, and to be smokers and drinkers. After adjusting for these differences, high-anger people were 2.2 times as likely to get heart disease and 2.7 times as likely to have an acute heart attack as low-anger people.
That makes anger sound serious. But only 53 people in the low group and 27 in the high group got heart disease during the period of the study. We know that the numbers 2.2 and 2.7 won't be exactly right for the population of all people aged 45 to 64 years with normal blood pressure. But are they close?
In this chapter we study confidence intervals. These are intervals that help us see how accurate numbers like 2.2 and 2.7 are. By the end of this chapter you will be able to construct such intervals for proportions and means, and you will be able to interpret what such intervals represent.