Solve and check the following linear equations

Assignment Help Algebra
Reference no: EM131023612

Solve and check the following linear equations:

1. 6x -3 = 63

2. 5x - (2x - 10) = 35

3. 3x + 5 = 2x + 13

4. 3x + 14 = 12x - 5

5. 2 (x - 1) + 3 = x - 3 (x + 1)

6. 2 - (7x + 5) = 13 - 3x

7. 5x - (2x + 2) = x + (3x - 5)

8. 45 - [4 - 2y - 4 (y + 7)] = -4 (1 + 3y - [4 - 3 (y + 2) - 2 (2y - 5)]

Reference no: EM131023612

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