Solve a system of linear equations

Assignment Help Algebra
Reference no: EM132453022

Question: Cubic splines.

Suppose you are in charge of the design of a roller coaster ride. This simple ride will not make any left or right turns; that is, the track lies in a vertical plane. The accompanying figure shows the ride as viewed from the side. The points (ai, bi) are given to you, and your job is to connect the dots in area reasonably smooth way.

Let ai+ 1 > ai, for i = 0,.......,n-1.

95_Cubic splines.jpg

One method often employed in such design problems is the technique of cubic splines. We choose fi(t), a polynomial of degree ≤ 3, to define the shape of the ride between (ai-i, bi-i) and (ai, bi), for i = 1, . . . , n.

1012_Cubic splines1.jpg

Obviously, it is required that fi(ai) = bi and fi(ai-1)= bi-1. for i = 1, . . . , n. To guarantee a smooth ride at the points (ai, bi), we want the first and second derivatives of fi' and fi+1 to agree at these points:

f'i(ai) = f'i+1(ai) and
f"i (ai) = fi"i+1(ai), for i = 1, . . . , n - 1.

Explain the practical significance of these conditions.

Explain why, for the convenience of the riders, it is also required that

f'1(a0) = f'n(an) = 0.

Show that satisfying all these conditions amounts to solving a system of linear equations. How many variables are in this system? How many equations?

Reference no: EM132453022

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