
Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM13841600

a) Name this Solution "p1MyGrade" and this project "MyGrade01".

b) Write a simple program that does the following:

1. Prompt for a numerical score and determine its letter grade according to the following table:

Score Grade

>= 92 A

>= 83 B

>= 75 C

<75 F

2. Continue the process until the score entered is no greater than 0. (Assuming that the user inputs will be valid.)

3. In the end of the program, write a message indicating the project title and your name.

a) 4. Below is the sample run:

1006_project title and your name.jpg

2) Part 2:

a) Add a new Project (Visual C#/Windows/Console Application) called MyGrade02 to the Solution by right clicking the Solution name and, in the pop-up windows, select Add/New Project...

See figure in Part 1 and your Solution Explorer should list two project now.

b) Use a function (i.e. method) called "score2grade" that accepts the integral score as the only parameter and return the letter grade according to the table as specified in Part 1.

c) Make "MyGrade02" as the Startup Project by right clicking "MyGrade02" and in the pop-up windows select "Set as Startup Project".

d) Below is the sample run:


a) Add a new Project called MyGrade03 to the Solution.

b) Refer to Section 9.4 and use the List structure to keep all the scores entered by the user;

c) Use an integer called gradeCountto keep the frequency count of each grade;

d) Below is the sample output:


e) Notes: The purpose of this part is to have you use List and array. So you have to use an array of integer to keep the frequency count of each letter grade. You may also use an array of character for the letter grades (i.e., letterGrade= {'A', 'B', ...} and then have the score2grade method return the index which can be used for incrementing gradeCountand retrieving the letter grade from letterGrade.

4) Part 4:

a) Add "MyGrade04" to the Solution and add the following features to your project:

1. Add Exception Handling to your program (refer to Fig 8.8 as an example). For practical purpose, you may simply use Exception as the exception type.

2. Add another List to store the inputted scores but this list will eventually be sorted in descending order. (Find out the solution from the internet or through the class discussion board.)


Reference no: EM13841600

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