Solitary confinement will prevent further corruption

Assignment Help Term Paper
Reference no: EM13266078

One of the first prison systems was called the Pennsylvania System. The ideology of this system was used in the Eastern State Penitentiary in the early 1800s. This system had very definite ideas on how a prison should be organized and managed. The operation of this prison was based on the following 5 general principles (Clear, Cole, & Reisig, 2006):

  1. Do not treat prisoners harshly, but instruct them that hard and selective forms of suffering could change their lives.
  2. Solitary confinement will prevent further corruption.
  3. Offenders should reflect on their transgressions and repent.
  4. Solitary confinement is considered punishment.
  5. Solitary confinement is economical.

Who actually formed these ideas? Expand upon the ideas of the 5 general principles. Why do you think they were implemented? How did it have an effect upon the prisoners? Has this basically changed-why or why not?

Reference no: EM13266078

Questions Cloud

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What probability of failure per time interval for the switch : if a circuit contains 3 automatic switches and we want that, with a probability of 95%, during a given time interval they are all working, what probability of failure per time interval can we admit for a single switch
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Solitary confinement will prevent further corruption : One of the first prison systems was called the Pennsylvania System. The ideology of this system was used in the Eastern State Penitentiary in the early 1800s.
Find the energy of the second rotational state : Assume the distance between the protons in the H2 molecule is 7.50 multiply.gif 10-11 m. Find the energy of the second rotational state, with J = 2
Calculate the speed at which the armature must rotate : A four-pole armature is to generate an average e.m.f. of 2.0V per conducter, the flux per pole being 25mWb. Calculate the speed, in r/min, at which the armature must rotate.
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Determine the value of brewsters angle : A light beam is incident on a piece of zircon (n = 1.923) at the Brewster's angle. determine the value of Brewster's angle


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