Solid state deformation to relevant manufacturing process

Assignment Help Other Engineering
Reference no: EM132182385

Learning Outcomes

1. Employ the principles of solidification, diffusion and solid state deformation to the relevant manufacturing process.

2. Develop a broad knowledge base of the various types of manufacturing processes (e.g. casting technology, forming and shaping processes, material removing processes and joining processes).

3. Evaluate manufacturing processes on the basis of cost, accuracy and lead time to form judgments about their applicability to given manufacturing situations, including considerations of environmental and end of life costs of products.

4. Evaluate common engineering materials on the basis of mechanical and physical properties, cost and manufacturing properties, and form judgments about their applicability to given product functional requirements.

Task and Mark distribution:

You are given a list consisting of few "classes of materials" including aluminium alloys, cast iron, magnesium alloys and composite material. You are asked to choose a material from this list for a cylinder head (for a four-cylinder petrol car) to be made later this year, or early next year. A schematic diagram (Figure 1) shows a design of a typical cylinder head. Figure 2 presents how this component is placed in relation to an internal combustion engine.


Students are asked to prepare a case study presenting a suitable material for the cylinder head which should also include the manufacturing route of the component. In addition to the material selection students are asked to include the production process by which the component will be manufactured. Scientific reasons for the selected process(s) should be included. The areas that are needed to be covered in the report are listed in Table 1.

Section Subject Matter

1 Component Function and Operating Environment

1a Review the function (or role) of your chosen component including the context of the larger assembly to which it belongs.

1b Outline the service conditions that are caused by the component's function and the environment in which it functions which the component will be designed to withstand (e.g., types of stresses, temperatures, service atmospheres etc.).

2 Material Properties and Selection

2a Discuss and justify the material property requirements for the component by relating the material property requirements to the service conditions & requirements identified in your answer to section 1b. This should include some quantitative values of the required properties.

2b Identify the material or materials used to make the components on the physical model (ignore any small brackets, bolts and other small components attached to the component). Chemical content of the main constituents should be included. Using the identified material properties from question 2a, perform a material selection analysis (using CES software) to justify the material used on the physical model. Use relevant performance indices to aid you CES selection. Hence justify the material used on the model.

3 Component Manufacturing Route

3a Manufacturing route selection: Discuss several potential suitable manufacturing routes for your component in the selected material. Perform a CES process selection exercise relevant to your component and your selected material and in order to downselect and justify a final process route.

3b Review & explain the selected manufacturing route in detail.

4 Alternative Materials and Manufacturing Routes

4a List alternative materials that are also used to make the component you have selected. Chemical content of the main constituents should be included. For each material make reference to your CES analysis from Section 2b and compare properties (both materials & physical). Select what you believe to be the "best" alternative material and explain why it is the best alternative.

4b Describe the main differences between the component on the physical model and the same component made from your best alternative material in terms of: its structure, the manufacturing routes required to make it.

5 Should there be any differences in the required properties and hence the chosen material if a diesel engine was to be manufactured? Explain.

Other Report structure presentation, referencing & technical writing style, adherence to the requirements contained in this document.

Reference no: EM132182385

Questions Cloud

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Solid state deformation to relevant manufacturing process : 102EMM Manufacturing Technology and Materials - Develop a broad knowledge base of the various types of manufacturing processes
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11/30/2018 11:51:28 PM

Fail <40 Some deviation from the objectives of the assessment task. May not consistently address the assignment brief. At the lower end fails to answer the question set or address the learning outcomes. There is minimal evidence of analysis or evaluation. Descriptive with no evidence of theoretical engagement, critical discussion or theoretical engagement. At the lower end displays a minimal level of understanding. Very limited use and application of relevant sources as supporting evidence. At the lower end demonstrates a lack of real understanding. Poor presentation of references. Whilst some relevant material is present, the level of understanding is poor with limited evidence of wider reading. Poor structure and poor presentation, including referencing. At the lower end there is evidence of a lack of comprehension, resulting in an assignment that is well below the required standard.


11/30/2018 11:51:18 PM

Third 40-49 Addresses most objectives of the assessment task, with some notable omissions. The structure is unclear in parts, and there is limited analysis. The work is descriptive with minimal critical discussion and limited theoretical engagement. A limited range of relevant sources used without appropriate presentation as supporting or conflicting evidence coupled with very limited critical analysis. Referencing has some errors. Some understanding is demonstrated but is incomplete, and there is evidence of limited research on the topic. Poor structure and presentation, with few and/or poorly presented references.


11/30/2018 11:51:12 PM

Lower Second 50-59 Competently addresses objectives, but may contain errors or omissions and critical discussion of issues may be superficial or limited in places. Some critical discussion, but the argument is not always convincing, and the work is descriptive in places, with over-reliance on the work of others. A range of relevant sources is used, but the critical evaluation aspect is not fully presented. There is limited use of sources beyond the standard recommended materials. Referencing is not always correctly presented. The answer demonstrates a good understanding of some relevant theories, concepts and issues, but there are some errors and irrelevant material included. The structure lacks clarity.


11/30/2018 11:51:06 PM

Upper Second 60-69 A very good attempt to address the objectives of the assessment task with an emphasis on those elements requiring critical review. A generally clear line of critical and evaluative argument is presented. Relationships between statements and sections are easy to follow, and there is a sound, coherent structure. A very good range of relevant sources is used in a largely consistent way as supporting evidence. There is use of some sources beyond recommended texts. Correctly referenced in the main. The answer demonstrates a very good understanding of theories, concepts and issues, with evidence of reading beyond the recommended minimum. Well organised and clearly written.


11/30/2018 11:50:59 PM

GRADE ANSWER RELEVANCE ARGUMENT & COHERENCE EVIDENCE SUMMARY First =70 Innovative response, answers the question fully, addressing the learning objectives of the assessment task. Evidence of critical analysis, synthesis and evaluation. A clear, consistent in-depth critical and evaluative argument, displaying the ability to develop original ideas from a range of sources. Engagement with theoretical and conceptual analysis. Wide range of appropriately supporting evidence provided, going beyond the recommended texts. Correctly referenced. An outstanding, well-structured and appropriately referenced answer, demonstrating a high degree of understanding and critical analytic skills.


11/30/2018 11:50:47 PM

0-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70+ 80+ Work mainly incomplete and /or weaknesses in most areas Most elements completed; weaknesses outweigh strengths Most elements are strong, minor weaknesses Strengths in all elements Most work exceeds the standard expected All work substantially exceeds the standard expected


11/30/2018 11:50:33 PM

4b Describe the main differences between the component on the physical model and the same component made from your best alternative material in terms of: its structure, the manufacturing routes required to make it. 10% 5 Should there be any differences in the required properties and hence the chosen material if a diesel engine was to be manufactured? Explain. 4% Other Report structure presentation, referencing & technical writing style, adherence to the requirements contained in this document. 20% Total 100%


11/30/2018 11:50:27 PM

3b Review & explain the selected manufacturing route in detail. 10% 4 Alternative Materials and Manufacturing Routes 4a List alternative materials that are also used to make the component you have selected. Chemical content of the main constituents should be included. For each material make reference to your CES analysis from Section 2b and compare properties (both materials & physical). Select what you believe to be the “best” alternative material and explain why it is the best alternative. 10%


11/30/2018 11:50:20 PM

3 Component Manufacturing Route 3a Manufacturing route selection: Discuss several potential suitable manufacturing routes for your component in the selected material. Perform a CES process selection exercise relevant to your component and your selected material and in order to downselect and justify a final process route. 10%


11/30/2018 11:50:13 PM

2 Material Properties and Selection 2a Discuss and justify the material property requirements for the component by relating the material property requirements to the service conditions & requirements identified in your answer to section 1b. This should include some quantitative values of the required properties. 11% 2b Identify the material or materials used to make the components on the physical model (ignore any small brackets, bolts and other small components attached to the component). Chemical content of the main constituents should be included. Using the identified material properties from question 2a, perform a material selection analysis (using CES software) to justify the material used on the physical model. Use relevant performance indices to aid you CES selection. Hence justify the material used on the model. 12%


11/30/2018 11:50:07 PM

The report is expected to have a structure as defined by the Sections described below. In addition, the value ascribed to the report sections and the report quality are shown as percentages of relative value against each portion of the report below in Table 1: Deliverables and Mark Allocation Table 1 Section Subject Matter Relative Value 1 Component Function and Operating Environment 1a Review the function (or role) of your chosen component including the context of the larger assembly to which it belongs. 6% 1b Outline the service conditions that are caused by the component’s function and the environment in which it functions which the component will be designed to withstand (e.g., types of stresses, temperatures, service atmospheres etc.). 7%


11/30/2018 11:49:55 PM

The staff at Coventry University are to independently assess the originality and quality of the work. Coventry University staff on 102EMM are available to answer any reasonable questions you may have on this work. A 5 page (A4) report is expected, with a minimum font size 10. Line spacing should be no more than 1.5 lines. This page limit excludes figures, tables, graphs, list of references and appendices. Your report can be longer than 5 sides (e.g. due to figures, graphs & tables) but no more than 5 sides of text in report main body. Please ensure that you provide a list of the academic references at the end of the work; use CU Harvard system for in-text citation and the listing of the references. Text should be written for academic audience; hence, ensure you use the relevant rules (e.g. use of third person, passive format). Appendices should be used for non-essential diagrams and information if necessary. The report must be submitted in Word format.

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