Soil term and sedimentary rocks

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Reference no: EM13189751

Sedimentary rocks can form: 
1. by the precipitation of minerals from water solution. the cementing together of loose grains of preexisting rock. 
3.from shell fragments or carbon-rich relicts of plants. 
4.all of the above are true. 
5.only A and B are true.

Choose the proper listing of detritus terms, going from smallest to largest of the words offered. 
1. sand, silt, pebbles 
2.mud, silt, sand 
3.silt, mud, sand 
4.sand, cobbles, pebbles 
5.mud, sand, silt 

Which statement is true? 
1. Animal attack, whether by gopher or man, is termed spalling. 
2.Pieces of broken rock produced by physical weathering are collectively called detritus. 
3.A saprolite layer is typically found in cold, dry climates. 
4.Hydrolysis is the absorption of water into crystal structure and its subsequent expansion. 
5.All of the above are true. 

Which is not a "soil term"? 
3.caliche (calcrete) 

Reference no: EM13189751

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