Reference no: EM131282980
1. Which of the following statements are true? (Note: Select all statements that are true).
Software is defined as the computer programs that govern the operation of the computer.
Microsoft's Dynamics ERP solution is a cloud-based application that runs on the Windows Azure platform.
Feedback is defined as information from the system that can be used to make changes to input or processing activities.
IT organizations with a strong sense of ownership of the company's technology solutions are usually happy about the move to a cloud-based ERP solution.
A management information system (MIS) focuses on operational efficiency.
2. Which of the following statements are true?
(There are multiple correct answers and you must select all correct choices in order to get full credit for the question.)
A character is a basic unit of data.
Business process management includes the conversion of manual processes to automated processes.
In an ERP system, the API is provided by the company that developed the ERP system.
A third-party module can be connected to an ERP system using middleware.
Value is created in an organization by enhancing the differentiation of its products or services.
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