Software engineering models and methods

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Reference no: EM132609252

Discussion 1:

"Software Engineering Models and Methods" Please respond to the following:

• From the e-Activity, select two types of software engineering models. Explain how they are used to help engineers define, design, and develop software systems.

• From the e-Activity, describe two methods of software engineering and identify situations where these methods should be applied.

Discussion 2:

"Ethics in Software Engineering" Please respond to the following:

• As a software engineer at a large security firm, you have been asked to develop a software program that will allow senior staff the ability to access personal details of individuals who are considered high security risks. While the information that is being accessed is a clear violation of personal privacy, it is also very likely that knowing this information will prevent a crime from occurring in the near future. Determine the factors that you would have to consider before deciding to accept or decline the project, and provide a justification to as to why you would or would not accept the project.

• Suppose you deemed a project you are working on to be outside of your ethical boundaries. Determine the factors you would consider when deciding whether to report your concerns to the proper authorities, the Better Business Bureau, or potential victims, or even resign from your position.

Reference no: EM132609252

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