Software configuration is done at the conclusion

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM133397602

Question 1

The original development cycle and the support maintenance cycle are equal in effort and time.



Question 2

Companies with heavier, waterfall processes will tend to maintain more artifacts and more versions of each artifact, and companies with lighter, agile processes will tend to keep only the latest version.



Question 3

Which of the following tools are used for version control?




None of these are correct

Question 4

The fundamental discipline of software involves keeping clear account of the multiple versions of source material and being able to deliver any one of those versions for integration and build, which generates the desired software release for users.

Question 5

The problem-fix cycle is very different with more phases and activities than the development cycle.



Question 6

______________ is the process of managing all the pieces and parts of artifacts produced as part of software development and support activities.

Software engineering

Software configuration management

Build process

Configuration management framework

Question 7

Software configuration is done at the conclusion of a software project.



Question 8

An operating system fix release may be related to a fix release of a database system. These two fix releases are of each other.

Question 9

Is a popular build tool from the C and UNIX system days of the 1970s and 1980s

Question 10

The two major steps involved in the build cycle for a single program are:

implement and test.

compile and link.

design and implementation.

analysis and design.

Reference no: EM133397602

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