Software as service public cloud service

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133574071


You are the security manager for a retail sales company that uses a software as a service (SaaS) public cloud service. One of your employees uploads sensitive information they were not authorized to put in the cloud. An administrator working for the cloud provider accesses that information and uses it for an illegal purpose, benefiting the administrator and causing harm to your organization. After you perform all the incident-response activity related to the situation, your organization determines that the price of the damage was US$125,000. Your organization sues the cloud provider, and the jury determines that your organization shares in the blame (liability) for the loss because it was your employee performing an unauthorized action that created the situation. If the jury determines that 25 percent of the evidence shows that the situation was your organization's fault and 75 percent of the evidence shows that the situation was the cloud provider's fault, what is the likely outcome?

Reference no: EM133574071

Questions Cloud

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Identify the issue that mae is experiencing : Identify the issue that Mae is experiencing and whether it is outside of you and your organisation's service provision.
Software as service public cloud service : You are the security manager for a retail sales company that uses a software as a service (SaaS) public cloud service.
What is the going rate among the workgroup : What is the "going rate" among the workgroup? The court costs that all plaintiffs and defendents must pay The standard fees in each courtroom that lawyers
Outcome is substantially certain to occur : If the defendant acted in a way that the outcome is substantially certain to occur, then the person acts_____.
How to bring strengths to bear against each other : how to bring strengths to bear against each other. Explain how each accomplished (or failed to accomplish) this throughout the course of the Peloponnesian War
History of prohibition on lawyers for advertising : Summarize the history of prohibition on lawyers for advertising. Explain and discuss contingent fees.


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