Reference no: EM132492886
SOCW3009 Ethics and Reflective Practice - University of New South Wales
Essay Questions
For the first assessment you should choose one (1) of these titles/questions and write an essay to demonstrate your grasp of the ideas that are being presented in this course. Although the main focus of this assessment is to consider your understanding of principles and theories, each question is framed around practice in order to emphasise critical reflection as a key social work skill. Your own critical reflection will be included in your response to whichever essay title/question you select.
This essay should be no more than 2000 words (not including your reference list), plus or minus 10%.
You must use normal essay style, with appropriate referencing. Submission is by lodging an electronic copy on Turnitin.
Question 1. Gardner (2014: chapter 2) describes four theoretical models of critical reflective practice. Select and explain two of these models. What are their implications for you as a social worker?
Question 2. Is it possible to see social work as a ‘human rights profession'? Use examples from everyday practice to support your argument.
Question 3. In what way is social justice ‘utilitarian'? How does this approach to ethics affect social work? Use a practice example to illustrate your discussion.
Question 4. Identify three important ‘virtues' for social work. How do these impact on ethical practice?
Attachment:- Ethics And Reflective Practice.rar