Socket programming in unix using c programming

Assignment Help Operating System
Reference no: EM13336556

Q1. Using the program below, identify the values of pidat lines A, B, C, and D. (Assume that the actual pids of the parent and child are 2600 and 2603, respectively.)


Q2.Including the initial parent process, how many processes are created by the program shown below?


Q3.Using the program shown below explain what the output will be at Line A.


Echo server

An echo server echoes back whatever it receives from a client. Forexample, if a client sends the server thestring "Hello there!"the serverwill respond with the exact data it received from the client-that is,Hello there!

Write an echo server using socket programming in UNIX using C programming. (both, client side and server side).

The server willloop, performing the following steps:
• Read data from the socket into a buffer.
• Write the contents of the buffer back to the client.

The client will
• Read data from the user into a buffer.
• Send the contents of the buffer to the server.

- This programming assignment is to be completed individually.Your code must compile and run.
- Remember to include the necessary documentation in the source code and in the output.
- Hand in a copy of the source code and the copy of the output.Review the grading algorithm before you submit your work!
- Remember that all Homework/Assignments are to be completedindividually. All violations of the TAMUK honor code will be reported.

Reference no: EM13336556

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