Reference no: EM132217235
Answer any 5 of the following questions. Please note that your answer for each question will be not more than 750words
Need to use contemporary examples and photographs of your choice to support the statements.
1. ‘Photographic images convey more than visual facts’ – discuss this statement by exploring the processes that occur in the ‘practice of looking’, and highlight the effects they may have on everyday social life.
2. Sexual orientation has become a main issue in contemporary social policy. Elaborate.
3. According to Max Weber, the actual operation of a democratic society is in the hands of the bureaucracy. Discuss.
4. The mass media are considered to be the one social institution that can help the individual to create a sense of belonging - not to specific cultural groups but to a general or mass culture. Discuss.
5. “Education has an important role to play in any society.” Critically assess this statement from the following perspectives:
(a) Functionalism
(b) Marxism
(c) Feminism
6. ‘Sociology is related to technology and media’. Discuss this statement with relevance to your society.
7. ‘Women empowerment has increased the risk of gender-based violence in the Maldivian society’. Discuss this statement.