Socioeconomic status and psychosocial variables

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133545047

Task 1:

1. Choose from one of the following stages: pregnancy, infancy and childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old age.

2. List the specific nutrition issues affecting individuals in your selected stage.

Task 2:

1. Choose a disease or medical condition that could possibly, or commonly, affect your individual. This could be anything ranging from diabetes to cirrhosis.

2. Using the ABCDs of nutritional assessment, make a case study based on an actual client or patient. You can also make one up. Include the following in your case study:

- Anthropometrics, relevant biochemical tests, clinical assessment, and dietary intake analysis.

3. Be sure to include a list of common medications that may be used to treat your patient's condition and identify potential herb/nutrient/drug interactions that may be relevant.

4. Identify your client's cultural background and give clues as to their socioeconomic status and psychosocial variables. For example, your patient may be a senior living alone on a fixed income or might be living in a nursing facility with reputed staff.

Reference no: EM133545047

Questions Cloud

Use of rats is representative of human community : How do you think malnutrition of the mother affects brain function on the kids? And do you think that the use of rats is representative of the human community,
Discuss how this position fits in your long-term career plan : Discuss how this position fits in your long-term career plan. Describe your salary goals after performing this job search.
Provide benefits to our food supply : Food additives are believed to provide benefits to our food supply and are regulated by the FDA to protect the food supply from harmful practices.
About water needs for health and disease prevention : Describe what you learned about water needs for health and disease prevention. Explain two important roles of water in human health and prevention.
Socioeconomic status and psychosocial variables : Identify your client's cultural background and give clues as to their socioeconomic status and psychosocial variables.
What does the label of organic mean : What does the label of organic mean? What types of foods can be produced organically? Do you choose to purchase and consume organic food?
Explain how nutrients affect disease prevention : Explain how nutrients affect disease prevention and management. Make your answer specific with examples.
Important roles of water in human health and prevention : Describe what you learned about water needs for health and disease prevention. Explain two important roles of water in human health and prevention.
What benefits of recess and outdoor play might you list : Explain what you would say in response to these parents and concerned school officials. What benefits of recess and outdoor play might you list?


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