Society holds individuals accountable for their actions

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Reference no: EM133562018

Question: Respond to this peer When you read your classmates' responses, play "the devil's advocate." Even if you agree with them, push back against their arguments. Explain to your classmate why you think their argument is weak, flawed, or wrong. Have some fun with this, but do not use a fallacy. On the other hand, if you detect a fallacy in their argument, point it out. Stay as close to facts and logic as you can Classmate response Good morning class, The debate over the existence of free will has been a long-standing philosophical inquiry that touches upon human agency and decision-making. While some argue that free will is an illusion due to determinism and various influencing factors, I firmly believe that free will is indeed a real phenomenon, inherent to human nature. Detractors of free will often adhere to determinism, which asserts that all events, including human actions, are determined by previous causes and conditions. They argue that since every choice we make can be traced back to a chain of events beyond our control, true autonomy is an illusion. However, this deterministic viewpoint fails to account for the complexity of human decision-making. While it's true that our choices can be influenced by various factors such as genetics, environment, and upbringing, it's essential to recognize the emergence of new properties and behaviors that can't be solely predicted from their constituent parts. Human consciousness and cognitive processes introduce a level of unpredictability that defies strict determinism. Supporters of the existence of free will argue that human consciousness itself provides evidence of our ability to make genuine choices. The capacity to deliberate, weigh options, and act in accordance with personal values demonstrates our autonomy. Additionally, the concept of moral responsibility hinges on the idea of free will; society holds individuals accountable for their actions precisely because they are seen as agents capable of making choices.g.

Reference no: EM133562018

Questions Cloud

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Society holds individuals accountable for their actions : Society holds individuals accountable for their actions precisely because they are seen as agents capable of making choices.g
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Explain what is meant by earnings quality : Explain what is meant by "earnings quality". What are the indications of high earnings quality? What are the indications of low earning quality?
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