Social reproduction and hegemony

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Reference no: EM133410148


Think about the materials you have just read and watched on the topic of social reproduction and hegemony. Then, think back to your high school experiences. Describe one social group label and analyze its implications for the reproduction of social inequality. These labels can be official student groups, informal groups, or even slang or derogatory terms. Talk about what the label means, who uses it and when, and how teachers and administrators may respond to the label and to student named by it.

Reference no: EM133410148

Questions Cloud

How do they gain economic benefit : How do they gain economic benefit from these resources? What do they gain from these resources?
Robust right humerus with heavy muscle markings : Three bones are brought to you: a robust right humerus with heavy muscle markings
What time periods would remains indicate : Suppose that the body described in question 2 was found in a warm, moist climate. What time period(s) would the remains indicate?
What is the ethics in applied research : What is the Ethics in Applied Research? How is ethics explained in the context of Applied Anthropology?
Social reproduction and hegemony : Think about the materials you have just read and watched on the topic of social reproduction and hegemony.
What is ethics in applied research : What is the Ethics in Applied Research? How is ethics explained in the context of Applied Anthropology?
What are different types of anthropology : What are the different types of Anthropology? Explain what each field of Anthropology does?
Choose specific culture in the world : Choose a specific culture in the world and explain what you find particularly interesting or intriguing about it.
Categories law enforcement personnel : A person's "race" can be an important part of their identity. "Race" is also one of the categories law enforcement personnel


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