Social organizations

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM131001603

Could you please do a power point by using this information Overview This article talks about Dr. Marilyn Bright who is a new doctor in Miami, Florida. Her specialization is in plastic surgery and she has had several years of practice in Boston, Massachusetts. Her new job offer in Miami gave her a lot of benefits - including an office for an affordable price in a medical building. Six months after working at her new job, Marilyn decided that she wanted to have more patients. In order to expand her social network, she joined two organizations related to her field and three other organizations that were social organizations. Through these social organizations Marilyn came into contact with many members who later visited her hospital for treatment. In addition to that, Dr. Bright also gave a professional lecture at one of the social organizations. Immediately after this the number of patients that visited her became higher, but unfortunately most of the new patients that visited her only came for one time and for a specific procedure and did not come back again. As a result of this Dr. Bright decided to use advertisements in order to reach a wider audience and to promote herself. Her colleagues however were not interested in promoting themselves because they had a valid point that they did not feel comfortable with doctors promoting their skills through advertisements. Since Dr. Marilyn was desperate to have more patients, she contacted Russell Smith who was a designer that used to work for one of the largest advertising agencies in Florida. At her meeting with Smith, he showed her three possible options. The first option was to state a procedure like "Botox Injections" and then to write a paragraph describing the procedure and lastly at the bottom of the page would be her information. In order to get the attention of the people, they decided to put a large picture of a woman walking on the beach as well. Even though Dr. Marilyn was not comfortable with this idea, Smith convinced her saying that this is the image that most women desire to have. The second option was the same as the first with only a minor change in the layout of the advertisement. The last option was to use the advertisement to introduce herself and mention her skills and her specializations and include a photograph of herself instead of putting a photograph of any random woman. Even though Dr. Marilyn did not finalise anything, Smith encouraged her to advertise on cable television as it can target people of different age groups and different educational backgrounds. In addition to that he mentioned that advertising through a cable company would be much cheaper as they have packages for a good price. Lastly Dr. Marilyn took all the information she needed from Smith and then started to drive back home. 2. Statement of the Advertising Problem The advertising problem in this case is the method of advertisement. Dr. Marilyn wants to be famous enough so that many people would visit her for her services. However, she is hesitating about the type of layout and the content that will be on her advertisement. Another advertising problem in this case is that she cannot decide for sure if she wants to promote herself through cable television or through an advertising agency. 3. Discussion of Critical Factors One of the critical factors in this case study is the method of advertisement. There are many methods of promoting oneself. People can promote themselves through cable television, magazines or journals, social media, or even by being around and working with famous people in the same field can promote a person. Another critical factor in this case study is the kind of material that should or should not be put in advertisements. This is important especially if it is related to images and other medical information that can mislead or give wrong information to the public. Images can be misleading especially if they are edited and do not show the reality. 4. Alternative Solutions An alternative solution would be that she puts the advertisement on a journal related to medicine or any kind of medical magazine. This is because advertisements on cable television do not seem very reliable and the public would not trust it as much. On the other hand if it came from a medical magazine where many other doctors from different fields advertise their specializations, then the public would trust more and feel confident in visiting the doctor. 5. Recommended Solution I would recommend that Marilyn should try her best to join a public or a private hospital in order to work with the other doctors who specialise in the same field as her. Another solution I would recommend is that if she really wants to promote herself on cable television she must go with the third option that Smith gave her. 6. Rational/Justification Being with other doctors from the same specialization as her, will help her to get settled with her work related issues because she is still new in Miami, so they can help her and advise her. They can also help her to get adjusted in the new environment even outside the hospital. In addition to that, the justification for the third solution that Smith gave her is that there is nothing wrong with it. Instead of promoting herself by putting images of other women it is better if she puts her information and details about her specializations. 7. Carry your solution to its logical conclusion By being with other doctors in the same field she will get to know more patients and build a bigger network than just joining social and professional organizations. The social and professional club meetings are just once a month so she will only get to meet new people once a month. However, if she joins a public or a private hospital with other plastic surgeons then she will get to interact more often with more people related to her field than just a month. More patients will trust her and visit her more often, than just visit her once, just for one procedure. The other doctors can also refer their patients to Dr. Marilyn if they are busy or have an emergency. In this way she will not feel alone as there are other members in the group to support her. However, if Dr. Marilyn decided to promote herself through advertisements on cable television, her best option is the third solution given by Smith. People will visit her and trust her more if she gives people more information about herself and her specializations. This is a better option than the other two options that Smith gave which was to put the image of women and write a description about the procedure. People do not trust images in advertisements anymore. Mostly everyone knows that the images are photoshopped or edited in order to look better than it is. However if Dr. Marilyn will advertise by giving a description of herself and her skills then people are more likely to trust her and come to her for her advice based on her past seven years of experience in Boston. 

Reference no: EM131001603

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