Reference no: EM133213857
HBP Case - "PatientsLikeMe: Using Social Network Health Data to Improve Patient Care"URL
The following questions refer to the Case PatientsLikeMe: Using Social Network Health Data to Improve Patient Care.
The Board of PatientsLikeMe is asking for recommendations regarding how to scale and grow its business using analytics. You are charged to present to the Board. In order to develop recommendations, undertake the following tasks:
Prior to completing this question, you should read the case.
A. Business model root definition helps us frame and discuss the purpose of the business unit being modelled, in terms of its operational and strategic purposes. Develop THREE scenarios to explore the pusposess of PatientsLikeMe's business model. Follow the template in the lecture notes to create the scenarios table. Select ONE (1) of your scenarios and express it as a root definition in a single sentence.
B. In order to maximize the value of the business analytics project to PatientsLikeMe, it is important to ensure it aligns well with its business strategy. Use the business model canvas (BMC) to precisely reflect PatientsLikeMe's current business model. You don't need to draw the BMC diagram, but you will need to clearly indicate each of the building blocks when presenting your answers.
C. Create an opportunities matrix by developing TWO questions and corresponding analytics solutions addressing the questions for each element of the business model canvas.
D. Create an analytics leverage matrix mapping each proposed analytics solution from the opportunities matrix. Based on mapping results, recommend and justify TWO analytics projects to PatientsLikeMe that would help them to scale and grow their business.
E. Express the Board's problem as a challenge statement and briefly explain how you arrived at this challenge statement.
F. Create an Opportunity Canva for each of the two analytics projects identified in question 1D to pitch to the senior management team at PatientsLikeMe for their endorsement and funding support.