Social justice issues and time

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Reference no: EM131843883

Can someone help me please I did the outline music and t Think the professor asked us to do something on social justice issues and time is running out, its due tomorrow can someone help me with that outline, I know that its not mine but its late please. Sorry I am working and I have a headache now, I cant think

TITLE: Voting

TOPIC: Voting is one of our biggest rights.

THESIS STATEMENT: We should all exercise our right to vote.    



1. Gain Attention: Martian Luther King Jr. said, "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter" (Martian Luther King Jr.)

2. Reveal Topic: How many of you have voted?

3. Preview Speech (State problem & solution): Not many citizens are voting in elections. How can we have a nation we want if people do not vote?


1. State problem in one sentence: National voting is at a low.

2. Illustrate the problem with a narrative: 57.5% of Americans voted in the 2012 presidential election (Liptak, 2012).

3. Develop the problem with statistics, expert testimony, & other logical evidence: This means that out of 219 million American citizens who are registered to vote only 126 million did. That means that 93 million people did not vote in the 2012 election (Liptak, 2012).

4. Adapt to the audience. Tell us how this problem affects us. Tell us why we should care: Is there an issue you feel strongly about? Worried about? Or angry about? You have a voice, so use it because the people who are elected for office might not want the same things you do.


1.State the solution in one sentence. (It should be a restatement of your thesis. It needs to contain the word, "should"). All eligible Americans should exercise their right to vote.

2. Explain the solution (logistics, costs, responsible personnel). Why vote? It's your responsibility. It is our government and our policies. "Voting is our most fundamental domestic right" (Douglas 2008). Your vote is your voice. It is one of the most valuable, powerful things you own.

Abraham Lincoln said, "Elections belong to the people. It's their decision. If they decide to turn their back on the people and burn their behinds, then they will have to sit on their blisters" (A Quote by Abraham Lincoln)

3. Show how the solution HAS worked in another setting, OR how it SHOULD work to minimize or solve the problem. Be sure you explain how the solution solved the problem.

I man said that while growing up in Chicago, "Election Day was always a school holiday. Students, teachers and administrators did not have to go to school on that day" (Vries, 2006). This made it so they could go and vote because they did not attend work or school.

4. State and meet potential objections (arguments against your proposal): Due to the vast majority of people who do not exercise their right to vote, the government has created many ways in which American citizens can vote without going to the polls. You can submit and absentee or mail in ballot. Some states allow you to do early voting where you can cast your vote a few weeks before the election date.


1. State the positive implications of your solution: When you vote you have a say in whom you want to be placed in office. You are passionate about your country and you want a nation that will be unified.

3. Be sure to focus on the FUTURE implications of adopting your plan or not adopting it: When you participate in elections and use the rights that so many people have died to let you have you have pride in your country. Country pride unifies the citizens.


1. Restate problem & solution. National voter turnout is low. We need to get out and vote and have some national pride.

2. Specify behavior (dates, times, places, address, URL)

3. Close with power (quote, relate to attention step, final appeal): Let us not become silent when it comes to voting. Remember it's your right and your responsibility so VOTE!!!!


"A Quote by Abraham Lincoln."Goodreads.N.p., n.d. Web. 23 June 2016

Douglas, Joshua A. "Is the Right to Vote Really Fundamental." Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy.N.P., 2008.Web. 23 June 2016

Liptak, Kevin. "Report Shows Turnout Lower than 2008 and 2004." CNN Political Ticker RSS.N.p., 8 Nov. 2012. Web. 23 June 2016.

"Martin Luther King, Jr. Quote."BrainyQuote.Xplore, n.d.Web. 23 June 2016.

Vries, Lloyd. "How to Get More People to Vote."CBSNews. CBS Interactive, 7 Nov. 2006. Web. 23 June 2016.

Reference no: EM131843883

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