Social empowerment-social reforms-equality would flourish

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM13237993

1. Discuss how assumptions that social reforms and equality would flourish in post-war Japan have or have not been realized. Who was assumed to benefit in Japan from the worldwide trend of “social empowerment?” Who or what has benefited thus far?

2. What did some reform-minded Catholics in Nicaragua hope the pope might do during his visit to that country? What position did the pope eventually make clear to the Nicaraguan priests? Why were some Nicaraguan Catholics disappointed with the pope’s position on political action? What did they, correctly as it proved, fear might happen after the pope’s visit?

Reference no: EM13237993

Questions Cloud

Males have enjoyed privileged position in western culture : Males have enjoyed a privileged position in all Western cultures. Recreation activities for women have taken place in the home and included a domestic component like cooking, decorating, or supervising activities for children
Calculate the four-firm concentration ratio and the hhi : Consider an industry that has eight firms, with the following market share percentage: 30, 20, 12, 10, 10, 8, 7, and 3. Calculate the four-firm concentration ratio and the (eight-firm) HHI for this industry.
Calculate the velocity (direction) of the plane : If a wind begins blowing from the southwest at a speed of 110km/h (average), calculate the velocity (magnitude) of the plane
What are the pieces of historical knowledge : What are the pieces of historical knowledge that you found the most surprising and interesting from this course. Why was it a surprise to you? How did this piece of history change what you thought you knew?
Social empowerment-social reforms-equality would flourish : Discuss how assumptions that social reforms and equality would flourish in post-war Japan have or have not been realized. Who was assumed to benefit in Japan from the worldwide trend of “social empowerment?” Who or what has benefited thus far?
How big will each firms accounting profit per unit be : A firm in a purely competitive industry is currently producing 1000 units per day at a total cost of $450. If the firm produced 800 units per day, its total cost would be $300, and if it produced 500 units per day, its total cost would be $275.
Constantinople and tenochtitlan : Constantinople and Tenochtitlan- What religion was the two cities? Did they trade goods to each other or anyone? What was there main source of trade? Who ruled the cirties?
What is the speed of the block : A 2.9 kg block is released from rest on a 45° inclined ramp. The block will lose energy to friction at a constant rate of 4 J/m as it slides down the ramp
Determine the gdp price index for 1984 : Also suppose that in 1984 each bucket of chicken was priced at $10.00. Finally, assume in 2005 the price per chicken was $16.00 and 22,000 buckets were produced. Determine the GDP price index for 1984, using 2005 as the base year.


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