Social effects of technological development

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Reference no: EM13799436

Question A
Kass presents a dystopic vision, and argues that our values are driving us to create this world. Analyze his argument regarding one of the problematic values. Name another commonly accepted value and imagine some unintended consequences of its acceptance.

Question B
What is the "ethic of giftedness"? What values does Sandel argue are realized in embracing this ethic? How would Sandel view uses of technological enhancement that are generally accepted (prosthetics, eyeglasses, etc...)?

Question A

Describe the tragedy of the commons. What problems are presented by the tragedy of the commons for moral evaluation of technological development? How would you address these problems?

Question B
The past few weeks we have been developing a sensitivity to the unintended social effects of technological development. Using some example technologies from the reading, identify some possible deleterious effects and defend your diagnosis.

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Dystopia, which is the direct opposite of utopia, is a term used to describe autopian society in which things have gone wrong. Both utopias and dystopias share characteristics of science fiction and fantasy, and both are usually set in a future in which technology has been used to create perfect living conditions. The utopia and its derivative, the dystopia, are genres of literature that explore social and political structures. ... Dystopian (or dystopic) fiction (sometimes combined with, but distinct from apocalyptic literature) is the opposite: the portrayal of a setting that completely disagrees with the author's ethos

Reference no: EM13799436

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Social effects of technological development : What problems are presented by the tragedy of the commons for moral evaluation of technological development? How would you address these problems?
Compare your level of confidence : Compare your level of confidence at the time you completed Part I to your confidence level for Part II, when you used this decision aid.Was it helpful? What were its advantages and disadvantages?
What are scheduling methods in a project : What are Scheduling methods in a project. Give an example of Gantt chart project. What is a Project. Illustrate your answer with examples
Write summary of information technology ethics issues : Write a summary of the article "Information Technology Ethics Issues".
Why does your organization need a strategic plan : Why does your organization need a strategic plan


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