Reference no: EM13509543
Social Construction of Race
The concept of race is so ingrained in our society that we often take it for granted that race has always existed. However, sociologists (and historians) point out that the concept of race is a social construct that has not always existed in society. Race includes a variety of physical characteristics that people in society find important and attach meaning to these characteristics (such as skin color or eye shape). The meaning attached to human physical characteristics varies over time and across cultures.
Race: the power of an illusion. This website contains a wealth of information about the social construction of race. Students will take notes from the website and integrate the information into a critical analysis paper.
Assignment Details:
Click on one of the “eye” icons; this will take you to a page entitled “Is Race for Real?” Read through the ten “quick facts about race” at the bottom of the paragraph. Note, which of the ten “quick facts” surprise you; or do you have more questions about.
Next, click on the subheadings on the right side of the page. These are entitled: “Sorting People;” “Race Timeline;” “Human Diversity;” “Me, My Race & I;” and “Where Race Lives.” As you read through the material and participate in the interactive lessons, take notes of main points you find interesting, surprising, or particularly compelling.
Write a 3-4 page essay, using APA style formatting, summarizing key findings from your exploration of this site and describing your reaction to the material. Your essay should include:
A description of why biology (or genetics) does not define race.
Your reaction to the “quick facts about race.”
Your overall summary of key findings.
Your overall reaction to your exploration of this site.
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