Reference no: EM132846054 , Length: 1500 Words
SOCI 100W Writing Workshop - San Jose State University
Topic: Social Inequality In India And It's Impact Towards People
Your major assignment for this class will be a library research paper. This will involve: choosing a topic of sociological relevance and personal interest; locating academic sources to research/learn about this topic; and writing a paper to educate your readers about the topic. The "research" component of this paper involves finding the best existing, published research related to your topic (like you would for a literature review), not collecting and analyzing your own data.
Write this paper for your fellow classmates: intelligent, educated individuals who are familiar with basic sociological concepts, but who don't know much about your topic of interest.
While your first step will be to research/learn about a particular sociological issue, by the time you write your final draft of your paper, you will take some kind of stance on this issue. Your major task will be to use existing academic research to develop and back up your stance.
Basic Requirements
The final draft of your paper should be approximately 1500 words (you may need to write a longer final paper to ensure you meet the 8000 word minimum for the course).
You must directly cite at least eight sources in your paper. At least six of these must be academic sources (peer-reviewed journal articles and books).
You must follow the American Sociological Association guidelines throughout this paper. This will include the overall paper format (how it looks), as well as how you cite your sources and organize your reference list.
In addition, you must use section headings in your paper.
I will grade your research paper based on the following criteria:
• The quality of sources you use to investigate your topic
• The degree to which your paper is focused on a central research question and logically develops an examination of that question
• How well you organize your paper according to themes relevant to your topic
• How thorough you are in developing these themes and how appropriately you use your sources to do this
• Whether the content, style, and tone are appropriate for your audience
• How thoroughly you follow ASA guidelines for formatting, citations, and references
• The accuracy of your grammar and mechanics
Learning Objectives
• Engage in consistent, focused revision of a long-term research paper assignment
• Complete the revision process to produce a final draft of a long-term research paper assignment
Attachment:- Writing Workshop.rar