Smmarize onenbsp theory of victimization that dr carla

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Reference no: EM13467774

In the scenarios and resulting simulations, Dr. Carla O'Donnell discusses theories of victimization. Sgt. Barry Evans identifies criminals and their past convictions, and relates the applicable federal, state, and / or local agencies that would take jurisdiction over the crimes committed. Sgt. Evans also illustrates how adopting select measures within the community can help to make certain locations safer, thwart potential offenders, and lessen the likelihood of people becoming crime victims.

Use the Internet to research three real-life incidents from the past five years that fall under the following topics:

  • Theories of victimization and corresponding examples
  • Criminal activity
  • Crime that occurred within your community

Write a three to four page paper in which you:

  1. Summarize one  theory of victimization that Dr. Carla O'Donnell discussed within the related scenario. Support the chosen theory with one real-world example.
  2. Discuss one real-life scenario involving criminal activity, identifying the federal, state, and / or local agency with jurisdiction. Explain why the agency that took the case was the appropriate one for the particular circumstances.
  3. Describe a recent incidence of crime that occurred within your community. Suggest how implementing at least one of the changes that Sgt. Evans had discussed and another change of your recommendation would have changed the circumstances of the crime that you selected.
  4. Use at least three quality resources in this assignment.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font , with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

Reference no: EM13467774

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