Reference no: EM13144467
Smartphone Docking Station
There is something very dear and important to most people. Although they may not seem like something very significant, it truly is. The clock, the phone and music mean a lot to people. There is a device that combines the services of all these items. This is the docking station. It operates by battery and electricity; the configuration of this device is simple, but it has many functions.
In 2008, the smartphone docking station was officially launched in Europe. Sony was the first company to release this device. Now a lot of companies sell the smartphone docking station.
This device is a modern device, manufactured to fulfill human needs. The smartphone docking station is a very cool thing to have at home. It is especially great to have one in the bedroom. It is always necessary to recharge the phone, and there are moments when music is needed. Of course, the clock with an alarm is a must have for every person who needs to wake up in a specific time.
There are a lot of different bands of smartphone docks stations. Now, companies compete to release best docking stations that help human needs and more. Smartphone Docking Stations come in all shapes and sizes and they mean different things to different people. Some docking stations now feature powerful speakers, alarm clocks, memory card readers, photo browser and more.
Smartphone docking stations are not all created equal. There are hundreds of different models and styles. However, there is a popular shape that most people have chosen. It is a box shape composed of six different squares. The top and bottom sides are five inches long, and the other sides are three inches. The product features for the smartphone docking station are the clock, iPhone charger, dual alarm, stereo speakers, and FM radio. On the front side, there are two alarm settings. In addition, there is a small screen that shows the date and the time. On the backside, there is a USB port, power jack, and a dimmer function to control the brightness of the screen. On the right and left sides are the stereo speakers. On the topside, there are twelve buttons: seven of them on the right and four on the left. There is an iPhone port on the middle of this side, and the volume control is on the right corner. The buttons on this device have many different functions, all of which are important to the electric clock.
This device is easy to use. First of all, the most usable side of this device is the topside, which is easily accessible. The first button on the right of the topside is for setting alarm A. The second bottom is to set the clock, and the third bottom can be used to set alarm B. In the middle, there is a port for charging the IPhone and connecting the IPhone to this device. On the left of the same side, there are seven buttons. The power button is on the upper left corner, and under the power button are six buttons. Three of them are for fast-forward, rewind, and play and pause. The other three buttons are the numbers two, three, and four. These numbers are used to skip between songs. For example, if we want to skip three songs forward, we just need to press the three button and then the fast-forward button. That will allow us to reach the song that we want. The last thing on the bottom left corner is the volume.
The second most accessible side is the front side. There are two buttons for alarms A and B, both of them are used to turn the alarms on and off. On the backside, there are two buttons and two ports. The two buttons control the upfront screen. One of them is a dimmer function, and the other changes the color from yellow to blue. The two ports are a USB port and a power jack.
Smartphone docking station is a very popular product that many people find helps them in their daily lives. It combines the phones, clocks, and music that are central to many people's daily lives. Smartphone docking station is simple and effective. Docks stations provide an easy way to keep Smartphones charged, without the need to fiddle around with cables. Simply place your device on the dock and it will start charging. Also, it helps to wake people up in a specific time. In addition, lessening to the music or to the news from the radio. This device is very easy to use and fits into a person life very well.
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