SLE235 Chemical Systems Assignment

Assignment Help Chemistry
Reference no: EM132413882

SLE235 - Chemical Systems - Deakin University


To analyse the claims made in an advertisement or media campaign for a chemistry-related issue.

We are surrounded by people and organisations trying to convince us of a particular point of view:

• Our product is better than ...
• Vote for us
• Watch our show
• Join our organisation
• Donate your money to our cause
• Donate your time to our cause
• Our political view is the right view
• Our economic view is the right view
• Our religious view is the right view
• Our world view is the right view
• Our type of music is better than ...
• Our sporting team is the best team
• Our study indicates
• And so on ...

You will analyse the claims made in an advertisement or media campaign for a chemistry-related issue (Note 2). You will identify the chemistry involved in the advertisement or chemistry-related campaign. You will discuss the validity of the claims in terms of the nature of chemistry, focusing on what constitutes scientific proof, evidence, and the credibility of presenters/advocates/experts/scientists.


Choose a current advertisement or discussion of a chemistry-related campaign, that has been first published/released/broadcast in 2019 (Note 3). Your choice should be based on
• Interest and/or importance to you,
• The advertisement or campaign must clearly be promoting a claim or idea or argument.
• Every member of the class must base her/his critique on an advertisement or campaign that is different from others in the class.
• Currency (up-to-date-ness) of your chosen advertisement/campaign.


When you have chosen an advertisement or chemistry-related campaign, you must claim this as the subject of your critique. You need to post a message to this unit's Critique discussion area in DeakinSync and start a new discussion thread with your name and advertisement/campaign in the subject field. You can use this new discussion thread for queries about your advertisement/issue.

Your initial message will be time-stamped so no one else can claim your advertisement/campaign. You may not choose an advertisement/campaign that has already been chosen by another member of the class.


In your critique, you need to answer the following questions:
• Question 1: Describe your chosen advertisement/issue (approximately 130 words or equivalent);
• The marker will be looking for evidence that you know and understand your chosen advertisement/campaign.
• Question 2: Describe the underlying chemistry of the claim(s) that is (are) relevant to your chosen advertisement/campaign (approximately 130 words or equivalent);
• The marker will be looking for evidence that you have a university- level knowledge and understanding of chemistry concepts. These chemistry concepts can be from the unit content or from outside the unit content.
• Question 3: Evaluate the link between the evidence and the claim(s) using Toulmin analysis (approximately 130 words or equivalent).
• The marker will be looking for evidence that you are able to apply Toulmin analysis to your chosen advertisement/campaign.
• Question 4: Evaluate (approximately 130 words or equivalent) whether the claim/evidence/warrant is scientific with regard to:
• Falsifiability
• Reproducibility
• Objectivity
• Et cetera
• The marker will be looking for evidence that you know and understand the nature of science, and are able to make an appropriate judgement whether your chosen advertisement/campaign is or is not scientific.
• Question 5: Describe and evaluate the scientific standing (credibility) of the person or organisation that is making the claims (approximately 80 words or equivalent).
• The marker will be looking for evidence that you are able to make an appropriate judgement whether a source is credible.

The Critique needs to:
• Indicate clearly which sections of your Critique relate to each of Question 1, Question 2, etc.

• Use an appropriate professional style in the presentation, for example, good use of sentences, paragraphs, good use of scientific language and conventions, good use of tables, diagrams and/or equations (as appropriate), no or minimal spelling errors, etc;
• Use appropriate and relevant citations and references;
• Use appropriate and relevant citation style in the list of references. Examples of preferred styles include:
• Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) citation style;
• American Chemical Society (ACS) citation style;
• American Institute of Physics (AIP) citation style.
• Examples of other acceptable styles include:
• American Psychology Association (APA) citation style;
• Vancouver citation style;
• Harvard citation style.
• Evaluate the reliability of all Internet sources used in your case study. Each and every Internet source must be analysed for reliability using the criteria available on DeakinSync. Only reliable sources should be used in your research and reading.


You also need to self-evaluate the quality of your own submission. The attached rubric is divided into two parts:
• The bulk of the rubric is used to evaluate the quality of your submission. Both you and an academic marker will evaluate your submission. The academic marker's evaluation will be the bulk of your mark for this case study;
• The final part of the rubric assigns a small part of the mark, based on the agreement between your evaluation and the academic marker's evaluation.

Learning outcomes

This critique is intended to practise and assess the following Unit Learning Outcomes:
• ULO 1. You will report information, develop arguments, and justify conclusions, in written mode at intermediate level.
• ULO 2. Find and identify, integrate, explain and apply knowledge, concepts and principles of chemistry, to the study of science, health and the environment.

This critique is intended to practise and assess the following Deakin Graduate Learning Outcomes:
• GLO 1. Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilities: You will apply discipline-specific knowledge and capabilities to the analyses of claims made in an advertisement or discussion of a chemistry-related issue in the media.

• GLO 2. Communication: You will use communication skills. You can negotiate a medium of your choice, in which to communicate chemistry ideas and concepts.
• GLO 3. Digital literacy: You will use technology to find and disseminate information.
• GLO 4. Critical thinking: You will critically evaluate information using critical and analytical thinking and judgment.

Article - Closed-loop recycling of plastics enabled by dynamic covalent diketoenamine bonds by Peter R. Christensen, Angelique M. Scheuermann, Kathryn E. Loeffler and Brett A. Helms

Attachment:- Chemical systems.rar

Reference no: EM132413882

Questions Cloud

How social workers can respond to the stereotypes : Post an explanation of gender and sexist stereotypes and assumptions around sexual assault made by a professional you observe in the case study episode.
Achieving career or entrepreneurial related goals : What you have learned in the class and how it will assist you in achieving career or entrepreneurial related goals?
Discuss messages about gender you have received : Discuss messages about gender you have received from your family or cultural group. Analyze how these messages have influenced your experience with gender.
What types of leaders are currently leading : What stands in the way of change? What types of leaders are currently leading? Is the corporate culture ready and willing to change?
SLE235 Chemical Systems Assignment : SLE235 Chemical Systems Assignment Help and Solution, Deakin University - Assessment Writing Service - analyse the claims made in an advertisement.
How might the given impact the child development : Post an explanation of the potential value of Juan and Elena's participation in the parenting class. If a child is exposed to behavior standards that do not.
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How theory does or does not relate to social work practice : Submit a 2- to 4-page paper in which you choose a theory of development from another discipline (refer to Erikson, Piaget, Freud etc.). In your analysis.
Describing specifics on shrm-bock behavioral competencies : Provide a minimum of three (3) to four (4) bullet points (more if needed) of information or discussion describing specifics on the SHRM-BoCK's.


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