Slave morality weighs action on a scale of good

Assignment Help Managerial Economics
Reference no: EM13987246

Nietzsche, in Beyond Good and Evil, makes a distinction between what he claims are the two 'types' of morality. Saying that there are 'certain traits regularly recurring together', he proceeds to describe them, and classifies previous systems of morality into those categories. What are the two types? Describe them. Finally, using examples from previous theorists in the course (you could use one or more), make an argument either for or against Nietzsche's distinction.

In Beyond Good and Evil, Nietzsche reveals about master-morality and slave-morality.

'Master morality' - Master morality weighs action on a scale of good or bad consequences.

'Slave morality'. - Slave morality weighs action on a scale of good or evil intentions.

Reference no: EM13987246

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