Skills to build and strengthen personal relationships

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Reference no: EM13167140

In this age of technology where teens know how to text but not spell; they can "LOL" and "SMH" but are unable to express their joys and frustrations in real words, face to face, a class in interpersonal communication should absolutely be a requirement -J/S!

Not only would it give young people skills to build and strengthen personal relationships, it would give them the tools and the confidence to successfully pursue their goals for their futures. Homework for such a class could be to have a sit-down conversation with a sibling or parent. The written assignment would be to write down 5 things learned about them and 5 things they revealed about themselves.

Teens are more likely to have had these types of exchanges with a friend than with a family member and though this might demolish the walls of their comfort zone it will expand their ability to really know another person.

Do you think technology might, in some ways, be harming our ability to communicate with each other? Why/why not?

Please respond with at least 50 words.

Reference no: EM13167140

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Skills to build and strengthen personal relationships : In this age of technology where teens know how to text but not spell; they can "LOL" and "SMH" but are unable to express their joys and frustrations in real words, face to face, a class in interpersonal communication should absolutely be a requiremen..
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