Size able refugee and immigrant community

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Reference no: EM133258096

Case Study: Brenda Mathers is native-born, Caucasian, registered nurse working in a community family clinic with a size able refugee and immigrant community. She had been working with Mrs.

I, an immigrant of the Mien ethnic group from Laos, since Mrs. I's youngest child, Sara, was referred as a newborn by the WIC program. Sara is now six months old and the child's mother has brought her in for a well child visit. Brenda observes a happy baby with growth and developmental indicators normal for her age. As she continues with the customary physical exam, however, she notices a set of small, red blisters to one side of the baby's navel. When asked about them, Mrs. I readily explains that they are burns that are healing; burns resulting from a typical Mien cure for constipation. Mrs. I was too afraid to accidentally burn the baby, so she asked her mother-in-law to do it because she is an expert in this cure. The cure involved dipping a reed in pork fat, lighting it, and waving the flame over the baby's belly until tiny blisters appeared, then applying Tiger Balm to help them heal. Baby Sara began to improve soon after, explaining why Mrs. I had not brought her to the clinic. Brenda is both appalled by this practice, yet doesn't want to be overreact or be insensitive -- she wonders how she should respond.

1. What is the dilemma posed by cultural differences here?

2. How can Brenda apply principles of cultural competence in responding to this family? Be specific about the.

Reference no: EM133258096

Questions Cloud

Social movements to have widespread impact : To the use of technology in social movements, have there been any other strategies employed in order for these social movements to have widespread impact?
Personalized analysis of book class : Submit a personalized analysis of the book Class, in which you address the book's insights, flaws, oversights, etc.
Technology affect communication in relationships-families : How does the increased use of technology affect communication in relationships and families?
Self-regulation or government regulation : Can you help me explain the rating system covering the media, television, being the media, an example of self-regulation or government regulation?
Size able refugee and immigrant community : Brenda Mathers is native-born, Caucasian, registered nurse working in a community family clinic with a size able refugee and immigrant community.
Concept of collective teacher efficacy : Consider the concept of collective teacher efficacy from your textbook.
Gemeinschaft and gesellschaft societies : Explain the difference between the Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft societies.
The secret life of groceries : The Secret Life of Groceries, Benjamin Lorr discusses how food retail in the United States has been seen as a mark of "civilization" and progress
Personality and communication style : Assess one personality and communication style and how these factors might affect team functioning.


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