SITXFSA002 Participate in safe food handling practices

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Reference no: EM132553194

SITXFSA002 Participate in safe food handling practices - Mastery Institute Australia

Activity 1A
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to access and use relevant information from organisational food safety program.
1. Why is it important to follow a food safety program?

2. What are the key requirements of a food safety program?

3. Locate a copy of your own organisation's food safety program. Identify at least THREE safe work procedures which you are required to undertake in your own job role.

Activity 1B
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to identify policies and procedures in food safety program.
1. What is the purpose of the policies and procedures in your organisation's food safety program?

2. What aspects of food handling should policies and procedures cover?

3. Briefly describe a food handling procedure that is in place in your organisation. Explain why this procedure exists - what hazards does this procedure prevent or deal with?

Activity 1C
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to describe key features of hazard control and critical control points.
1. Give examples of food hazards in the following categories:

» Chemical
» Insects and vermin
» Microbiological
» Physical
» Process-related.

2. Define and give an example of a critical control point.

3. Give examples of steps which you take to minimise risks at each of the following critical control points. (Please omit any steps which are not relevant in your job role).

» Receiving
» Storing
» Preparing
» Processing
» Displaying
» Serving
» Packaging
» Transporting
» Disposing.

4. What are the critical control points in the following scenario?

‘A hotel kitchen takes a weekly delivery of raw chicken which is packaged in sealed packaging. The chicken is stored until it is needed. It is then prepared and cooked in a variety of dishes. The dishes are served at a hot service counter in the hotel. Chicken dishes which are not served are then brought back to the kitchen and are either disposed of, or they are stored for evening service. In some cases, the leftover food is used in other dishes the following day (e.g. soups; casseroles; etc.).'

Activity 1D
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to describe food safety monitoring processes and required documentation.
1. How do you monitor the safety of the following types of food, and how frequently do you do this? You may contextualise your answer to your own job role, e.g. fresh vs. frozen meat.

Please omit any that do not apply.

» Cheese
» Bananas
» Frozen vegetables
» Flour
» Eggs
» Potatoes
» Meat
» Seafood.

2. What is the purpose of documenting food monitoring processes?

3. List all food monitoring documents that you use in your own job role.

Activity 1E
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to describe the importance of reporting non-compliant practice and its process.
1. Why is it important to identify and report non-conforming practices?

2. Discuss examples of non-conforming practice that you have observed. What did you do about it? If you saw similar non-conformances in future, what would you do about it?

3. How would you respond to each of the following food hazards?

» When taking a delivery, you discover that the seal on a package of cooked ham is split
» The windows are open and insects are coming into the food preparation area
» Cooked food has been placed on the shelf below raw chicken in the fridge
» A light bulb fell from the light fitting overhead and smashed in a food preparation area.

Activity 1F
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to describe appropriate corrective actions within scope of job responsibility for incidents where food hazards are not controlled.
1. What types of incidents indicate that food hazards have not been correctly controlled?

2. Describe what action would you take in your role if:

» A customer complained about a dish being ‘off'
» You found dry goods in the store room which were over 6 months out of date
» The food preparation area was dirty
» Food was visibly contaminated with vermin faeces.

Irrelevant scenarios may be omitted.

Activity 2A
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to select food storage conditions for specific food type.
1. Where and how would you store each of the following food types?

» Dairy
» Dried goods
» Eggs
» Frozen goods
» Fruit and vegetables
» Meat and fish.

2. Why is it important to select the correct storage conditions for the food being stored?

Activity 2B
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to store food in environmental conditions that protect against contamination and maximise freshness, quality and appearance.
Which foodstuffs would you store in each of the following storage conditions?

» Refrigerator
» Freezer
» Dry stores.

Activity 2C
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to store food at controlled temperatures and ensure that frozen items remain frozen during storage.
1. What are the key principles of temperature control in relation to food safety?

2. What are some of the requirements of keeping frozen foods frozen?

Activity 3A
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to use cooling and heating processes that support microbiological safety of food.
1. What is the 4-hour/2-hour rule?

2. What methods can you use to cool food?

3. What guidelines should you follow when heating food?

Activity 3B
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to monitor food temperature during preparation using required temperature measuring device to achieve microbiological safety.
1. What temperature measuring devices can be used to monitor food temperature when preparing food?

2. Write the correct procedure for using a temperature probe.

3. Describe how to calibrate a temperature probe.

Activity 3C

Objective To provide you with an opportunity to ensure safety of food prepared, served and sold to customers.
1. What controls should you follow to ensure the safety of food prepared, served and sold to customers?

2. Describe how you would ensure the safety of the following food items:

» Customer-operated hot drinks dispenser (e.g. coffee machine)
» Pre-packaged sandwiches
» Self-service counter (e.g. salad bar; cake/pastries counter; etc.).

3. How can you ensure the safety of food served to customers from high-risk groups?

4. Identify two things you must check from each section of the Allergy Aware Checklist in Chapter 3.3 of the Learner Guide.

These sections are:

» Know your ingredients
» Avoid cross-contamination
» Listen to your customers
» Educate your staff.

5. Identify three things you can do to avoid risks associated with handling and serving eggs.

Activity 4A
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to store, display and provide single use items so they are protected from damage and contamination and identify instructions for items intended for single use.
1. Which single-use items are used in your organisation? What are their instructions for use?

2. Which general guidelines should you follow when handling single use items?

Activity 5A
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to describe proper practice to clean and sanitise equipment, surfaces and utensils.
1. What guidelines do you follow to clean the following from equipment, surfaces and utensils?

» Dirt
» Food waste
» Grease
» Pest waste.

2. How would you clean and sanitise the following?

» Chopping board used to prepare raw poultry
» Metal spoon used for stirring and serving hot dishes
» Knives used for a variety of purposes
» Food preparation surfaces.

3. Describe the steps involved in cleaning a temperature probe.

Activity 5B
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to use appropriate containers and prevent accumulation of garbage and recycled matter.
1. Why is it important to manage garbage and recycled matter?

2. How do you manage the following types of waste in your workplace?

» Vegetable peelings
» Waste from raw meat, fish and poultry
» Packaging materials
» Food waste from customers' plates
» Eggshells.

3. Which waste management procedures are in place in your organisation?

Activity 5C
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to identify and report cleaning, sanitising and maintenance requirements.
What would you do in the following situations?

» You notice dirt and grease on knives and spoons that are on the same chopping board as pastries that are being prepared for service
» The temperature probe is not working properly
» You notice some chips in the glasses that are being prepared for service
» The motor on the food mixer seems to be working slowly and is not mixing properly.

Activity 5D
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to discuss the dangers of chipped, broken or cracked eating, drinking or food handling utensils.
Why are chipped, broken or cracked drinking or food handling utensils dangerous?

Activity 5E
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to take measures within scope of responsibility to ensure food handling areas are free from animals and pests and report incidents of animal or pest infestation.
1. What steps can be taken to ensure that food handling areas are free from animals and pests?

2. What signs might alert you to the presence of the following pests and animals?

3. In your own job role, what would you do if you suspected the presence of animals or pests on the premises?

Activity 6A
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to describe the disposal process for waste, including keeping foodstuffs separate before disposal.
1. Which foods may it be necessary to dispose?

2. How might food for disposal be dealt with?

3. In your own organisation, where do you store food for disposal before it is disposed? How do you prevent contamination of foods that will be consumed?

Activity 6B
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to dispose of food promptly to avoid cross- contamination.
What may be involved in disposing of food promptly?

Section A: Skills Activity
Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to show you have the required skills for this unit.

This activity will enable you to demonstrate the following skills:

Reading skills to:

» Read and interpret food safety programs, policies, procedures and flow charts that identify critical control points
Writing skills to:

» Complete documentation for monitoring food safety Numeracy skills to:

» Calibrate and use a temperature probe and calculate timings Planning and organising skills to:

» Coordinate different food handling tasks to take account of food safety issues.

Answer the activity in as much detail as possible, considering your organisational requirements.

1. Read a copy of your organisation's food safety program and highlight all procedures that relate to your own job role.

2. Fill in at least TWO documents for monitoring food safety. Attach these to your workbook.

3. Use a temperature probe to check the temperature of a food item.

This activity will need to be observed, and a signed record of this observation (completed by the assessor or third party) should be uploaded in your answer. It should detail what was done, when it was done, the time it was completed in, the completed actions and the overall outcome of the tasks.

4. Conduct a work task which requires you to handle food. Demonstrate how you co-ordinate this task to avoid contamination or other food safety issues.

This activity will need to be observed, and a signed record of this observation (completed by the assessor or third party) should be uploaded in your answer. It should detail what was done, when it was done, the time it was completed in, the completed actions and the overall outcome of the tasks.

Section B: Knowledge Activity
Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to show you have the required knowledge for this unit.

The answers to the following questions will enable you to demonstrate your knowledge of:

» Key features of commonwealth, state or territory and local food safety compliance requirements as they impact workers at an operational level
» Hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP) or other food safety system principles, procedures and processes as they apply to particular operations and different food types
» Contents of organisational food safety program, especially procedures, associated requirements, and monitoring documents
» Food safety monitoring techniques
» Methods to ensure the safety of food served and sold to customers
» Safe food handling practices for the following different food types
» Equipment operating procedures, especially how to calibrate, use and clean a temperature probe and how to identify faults
» Choice and application of cleaning, sanitising and pest control equipment and materials
» Cleaning, sanitising and maintenance requirements relevant to food preparation and storage
» High risk customer groups
Answer each question in as much detail as possible, considering your organisational requirements for each one.

1. At an operational level in your own job role, how does each of the following impact you?
» Contents of national codes and standards that underpin regulatory requirements
» Reasons for food safety programs and what they must contain
» Local government food safety regulations and inspection regimes
» Consequences of failure to observe food safety policies and procedures
» Meaning of contaminant, contamination and potentially hazardous foods as defined by the Australia New Zealand food standards code.

2. Identify and summarise each of the following as they relate to your own organisation and specific work practise.
» Critical control points for the specific food production system and the predetermined methods of control, especially time and temperature controls used in the receiving, storing, preparing, processing, displaying, serving, packaging, transporting and disposing of food
» Main types of safety hazards and contamination
» Conditions for development of microbiological contamination
» Environmental conditions and, temperature controls, for storage
» Temperature danger zone and the two-hour and four-hour rule.

3. In your own organisation's food safety program, identify each of the following:
» Food safety procedures and associated requirements
» Monitoring documents that must be completed.

4. Describe the correct procedure for each of the following:
» Bacterial swabs and counts
» Checking and recording that food is stored in appropriate timeframes
» Chemical tests
» Monitoring and recording food temperatures using a temperature measuring device accurate to plus or minus one degree Celsius
» Monitoring and recording temperature of cold and hot storage equipment
» Visually examining food for quality review.

5. Describe your food safety requirements in relation to each of the following:

» Packaging control:
o using packaging materials suited to foods
o monitoring of packaging damage
» Protective barriers
» Temperature control
» Supervision of food displays
» Utensil control
» Providing separate serving utensils for each dish.

6. Which practices must be implemented for the safe handling of each of the following food types?
» Dairy
» Dried goods
» Eggs
» Frozen goods
» Fruit and vegetables
» Meat and fish.

7. Outline the operating procedures for all equipment that you use to ensure food safety, including those for temperature probes.

8. How do you make appropriate choices for cleaning and sanitising work areas, utensils and other equipment?

9. What are your requirements in relation to each of the following?
» Cleaning:
o dirt
o food waste
o grease
o pest waste removal
» Sanitising:
o eating and drinking utensils
o food contact surfaces
» Maintenance:
o recalibrating measurement and temperature controls
o minor faults.

10. Which groups of customers are at a high-risk of suffering from the effects of food safety issues?

Section C: Performance Activity

Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate the required performance elements for this unit.

This activity will enable you to demonstrate the following performance evidence:

» Demonstrate use of safe food handling practices in food handling work functions on at least three occasions
» Demonstrate the correct methods of controlling food hazards at each of the following critical control points:
o receiving
o storing
o preparing
o processing
o displaying and/or serving
o packaging
o transporting
o disposing.

Answer the activity in as much detail as possible, considering your organisational requirements.

1. Demonstrate use of safe food handling practices in food handling work functions on at least THREE occasions

2. Demonstrate the correct methods of controlling food hazards at each of the following critical control points:

» Receiving
» Storing
» Preparing
» Processing
» Displaying and/or serving
» Packaging
» Transporting
» Disposing.

Attachment:- Participate in safe food handling practices.rar

Reference no: EM132553194

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