Reference no: EM133086332
In the case study below discuss what if any, malpractice claims would be an option in this situation explaining your response. Do you feel there was a dereliction or neglect of duty? explain response. Was there evidence of a direct or proximate cause that produced the injury identified? explain response.
Prevention: discuss what could have been done to prevent this situation and maintain the proper standard of care. Explain answer.
Liability and Damages: who would be liable in this situation and why? what kind of damages if any do you think will be issued as a result of this case?
Case Study:
Amy Smith was a 10 year old female who was scheduled for a surgery at her local hospital. Amy had Sickle Cell Disease (SCD). When undergoing surgery, special precautions must be taken to prevent and/or treat an SCD crisis. In SCD, the shape of person's red blood cells is destroyed and instead of being round like they should be, they form a sickle shape. This abnormal shape prevents the red blood cells from being able to deliver oxygen to the body. When a patient goes into a sickle cell crisis, they can die if they do not receive treatment.
To prepare Amy for surgery, she received a blood transfusion in an attempt to prevent the increased risk of bleeding in surgery because of her disease. The problem is that a transfusion can also trigger a sickle cell crisis. While Amy was receiving the transfusion, the physician monitoring her told the clinicians that Amy was showing signs of going into a SCD crisis. This physician also told the clinicians how to monitor and treat the patient. This information was emailed to Amy's surgeon and no action was taken to prepare for a SCD crisis.
Amy had surgery and went home. Shortly after returning home, Amy's parents recognized that something was wrong and they brought her back to the hospital. It took several hours after readmission for the physicians to determine that she was in a SCD crisis and her treatment was delayed. As a result, Amy went into cardiac arrest and hospital personnel were unable to revive her.