Site assessment and carry out a treatment

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Reference no: EM132418455

CPPPMT3005 Manage pests without applying pesticides - TAFE NSW

Assessment 1: Risk assessment and incident report

Part A

You are treating the exterior of the building of Mrs. Reti for spiders. You are using the power pump from your vehicle to apply the pesticide. Your vehicle is parked in the drive in front of the shop. Since you have finished the front of the building, you've asked that the children and the dog be removed from the back yard while you are spraying the rear of the building. All is well, Katie, Jimmy and the dog are having a great time out the front.

Suddenly you lose pressure in your hose and there is a huge commotion out the front. You can hear Jimmy screaming, the dog yelping and Mrs. Reti has come outside yelling. Some of the customers from her store are also rushing out to see what is going on. As you race around the corner to the front, to your horror you see what's happened. It appears that the dog ‘Scratchy' mistook the hose for a long snake and attacked it, biting through the hose.

Scratchy got a big snout full of your spray mix and as Jimmy tried to remove the dog, he also got a mouthful and a good splash in the eyes. Pesticide is squirting in all directions and people are running around shouting.

Mrs. Reti has called an ambulance to take Jimmy to the hospital. A neighbour has kindly offered to take Scratchy to the vet.


Question 1. Select a product that you were using (remember you were treating spiders), obtain a label and SDS for it and attach them to this assessment.

Question 2. List the information you will send with the ambulance to the hospital.

Question 3. Describe the steps you will take to handle the spilled pesticide on the driveway.

Question 4. Use the below template to complete the incident report that you would submit to your company (and the relevant authority if required).

a)  What happened?                  (an overview)

  • Provide an overview of what happened.
  • Nominate the type of notifiable incident - was it death, serious injury or illness, or 'dangerous incident' (as defined above)?

b)  When did it happen?

  • Date and time

c)  Where did it happen?

  • Incident address.
  • Details that describe the specific location of the notifiable incident - for example section of the warehouse or the particular piece of equipment that the incident involved - to assist instructions about site disturbance.

d)  What happened:  detailed description?

  • Detailed description of the notifiable incident.

e)  Who did it happen to?

  • Injured person's name, salutation, date of birth, address and contact number.
  • Injured person's occupation.
  • Relationship of the injured person to the entity notifying

f)   How and where are they being treated (if applicable)?

  • Description of serious injury or illness - i.e. nature of injury
  • Initial treatment of serious injury or illness.
  • Where the patient has been taken for treatment.

g)  Who is the person conducting the business or undertaking (there may be more than one)?

  • Legal and trading name.
  • Business address (if different from incident address), ABN/ACN and contact details including phone number and email.

h)  What has/is being done?

  • Action taken or intended to be taken to prevent recurrence (if any).

i)    Who is to be notified?

  • Notifier's name, salutation, contact phone number and position at workplace.
  • Name, phone number and position of person to contact
    for further information (if different from above).

Complete the incident report that you would submit to your company (and the relevant authority if required).

a) What happened? (an overview)
b) When did it happen?
c) Where did it happen?
d) What happened: detailed description?
e) Who did it happen to?
f) How and where are they being treated (if applicable)?
g) Who is the person conducting the business or undertaking (there may be more than one)?
a) What has/is being done?
b) Who is being notified?

Part B
Complete the following template using one of the two (2) situations below:

Situation 1
Go back to the questions in Part A dealing with the unfortunate incident at Mrs. Reti's shop.Now, wind the clock back and place yourself in time before you commenced the job and complete the following risk assessment document.Additional hazards may be added.

Situation 2
Chose a common job from your workplace and describe it here:
Now complete the following risk assessment document for carrying out this workplace task. Additional hazards may be added.

1 Bites and stings from animals

2 Hearing damage from audible alarms and other noises

3 Exposure to residual pesticides, chemicals and dusts

4 Getting stuck in confined or restricted spaces

5 Electrocution from loose wires of lighting

6 Environmental contamination, including effects on native species

7 Fire

8 Injuries from manual handling

9 Coming into contact with moving vehicles or machinery

10 Working in remote locations

11 Slips and trips

12 Effects of working in extreme temperature

13 UV radition

14 Working at heights

15 Working in poor lighting

16 Danger from guard dogs and other animals

17 Working with asbestos

18 Damaging underground services

Assessment 2: Site Assessment and Carry out a treatment - Residential

PART 1: Case Study

Task 1: Obtain access to the site
Describe how you would:
a) Arrange a mutually acceptable meeting with your client.
b) Identify the actual premises requiring treatment.
c) Check to see if you have dealt with this client before.

Task 2: Undertake site inspection
In undertaking the inspection, record the following:
1. How you would undertake the inspection.

2. List three (3) pieces of equipment you may use during the inspection.

3. Type and condition of the buildings and environment.

4. Type of pest, activity level and location of harbourages.

Task 3: Develop and discuss pest management methods
1. Fill out the following table.
- Non-chemical methods must include at least one (1) physical and one (1) cultural control method.
- Chemical methods must state the product name and active ingredient(s) and include at least two (2) different kinds of formulations (e.g. sprays, gels, granules, dusts)

Task 4: Prepare the worksite

1. List three (3) pieces of personal protective equipment you may select for this job.

2. Complete the following risk assessment form below:

3. Explain the purpose of placing out signage and barriers during your treatment.

Task 5: Carrying out the treatment

1. From one of your chosen non-chemical control methods, describe in detail how you undertake this work, including tools, materials and safety concerns.

2. From one of your chosen chemical control methods, describe in detail how you undertake this work, including tools, materials (product names and active ingredients) and safety concerns.

Task 6: Restore Work site and Provide documentation

1. Explain how you would restore the worksite.

2. List three (3) pieces of documentation you would provide to the client.

PART 2: Worksite experience

You now need to find an appropriate premisewhere you can demonstrate your ability to assess and carry out acockroach or ant treatmentin a residential setting. You will need to be signed off by a licenced pest management technician.

If you are not able to involve yourself in such a treatment at your workplace, you will need to attend one of our practical sessions at Richmond, NSW. Please contact our teaching staff for more information.
Answer the following questions(providing photos were required)

1. How did you establish the identity and density of pest activity? Include photos of at least two (2) pieces of evidence you used to establish the type and extent of pest activity.

2. Describe the building and the surrounding environment, and list any potential harbourage areas and entry points. Include at least two (2) photos demonstrating these areas.

3. List at least three (3) factors contributing to pest activity.Include at least two (2) photos of these factors.

4. List and describe all the non-chemical control methods you undertook or recommended to the client to undertake for this treatment. What safety concerns, if any, would be involved in using these control methods? Include appropriate photos of you undertaking this work (if applicable).

5. List and describe all the chemical control methods you undertook for this treatment. What safety concerns, if any, would be involved in using these control methods? Include copies of the SDS's used (1st page only if sending in via post). Include at least two (2)photos of you applying some of the products chosen.

6. You must also provide copies of all the documentation you completed eg. Service report/ treatment sheet, pesticide application record, invoice.

Assessment 3: Site Assessment and Carry out a treatment - Commercial

PART 1: Case Study

Big Bickies Foods is a large biscuit factory that specialises in peanut brittle biscuits. John Johnson, the manager of the company, has sent your company the following work order to carry out pest control services.

Task 1: Review work order

a) What pest problems can you identify from the work order and photos?

b) When will be an appropriate time for your inspection and treatment?

c) How will you identify the actual premises requiring treatment?

d) Who will you contact when you arrive at the site?

Task 2: Undertake site inspection

In undertaking the inspection, record the following:
1. How would you undertake the inspection?

2. List three (3) pieces of equipment you may use, during your inspection.

3. Type and condition of the buildings and environment.

4. Type of pest, activity level and location of harbourages.

Task 3: Develop and discuss pest management methods and plan
1. Fill out the following table, describing what services you propose during your initial and maintenance service programme and their relevant costings
Non-chemical methods must include at least one (1) physical and one (1) cultural control method.
Chemical methods must include the type (product name or active ingredient) and formulation (spray, granule, gel, wax block etc.)

2. Describe one (1) health, safety , environmental or legislative matter that is important to consider when using pesticides to treat any of these pests

3. Describe one (1) recommendation that you would provide for the client, that they could implementthemselves, to help them prevent future infestations:



4. How would you advise the client of this proposed plan?

5. What would you need from the client before proceeding with the job?

Task 4: Prepare the worksite

1. List three (3) pieces of personal protective equipment you may select for this job.

2. Who do you need to consult before undertaking any work?

3. List two (2) things you undertake to prepare the worksite before commencing any work.

3. Complete the following risk assessment form below:

Task 5: Carrying out the treatment

1. From one of your chosen non-chemical control methods, describe in detail how you undertake this work, including tools, materials and safety concerns.

2. From one of your chosen chemical control methods, describe in detail how you undertake this work, including tools, materials (product names and active ingredients) and safety concerns.

Task 6: Restore Work site and Provide documentation

1. Explain how you would restore the worksite.

2. List three (3) pieces of documentation you would provide to the client.

PART 2: Worksite experience

You now need to find an appropriate premisewhere you can demonstrate your ability to assess and carry out arodent treatment at a commercial site. This will need to be signed off by a licenced pest management technician.

If you are not able to involve yourself in such a treatment at your workplace, you will need to attend one of our practical sessions at Richmond, NSW. Please contact our teaching staff for more information.

Answer the following questions (providing photos were required). Some of this information can be provided in the form of service reports, information sheets and other documentation that you gave to the client.

1. How did you establish the identity and density of pest activity? Include photos of at least two (2) pieces of evidence you used to establish the type and extent of pest activity.

2. Describe the building and the surrounding environment, and list any potential harbourage areas and entry points. Include at least two (2) photos demonstrating these areas.

3. List three (3) sources of and/or factors contributing to pest activity.Include at least two (2) photos of these factors.

4. List and describe all the non-chemical control methods you undertook or recommended to the client to undertake for this treatment. What safety concerns, if any, would be involved in using these treatment methods? Include appropriate photos of you undertaking this work (if applicable).

5. List and describe all the chemical control methods you undertook for this treatment. What safety concerns, if any, would be involved in using these control methods? Include copies of the SDS's of all the products used (1st page only if sending in via post). Include at least two (2) photos of you applying some of the products chosen.

6. You must also include these items of documentation:
- A system for recording and dealing with staff pest sightings and concerns- this can be a blank form
- A completedservice report/ treatment sheet (which would include any limitations to your service, residual hazards and re-entry periods)
- A site map, including location of all rodent bait stations/ traps/ other management devices and any other significant features (this may have been included in your service report)
- A completed pesticide application record, which includes all the pesticides used on this job

Attachment:- Risk assessment and incident report.rar

Reference no: EM132418455

Questions Cloud

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Site assessment and carry out a treatment : Explain the purpose of placing out signage and barriers during your treatment and demonstrate your ability to assess and carry out acockroach
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