Reference no: EM132531953 , Length: word count:8000
SIT792 Minor Thesis - Deakin University
Assignment - Thesis
Topic - Human Interaction with Autonomous Vehicles
Your Minor Thesis is a high quality written and presented document that describes in detail your research work this Trimester. This should capture the full range of research tasks you have undertaken and report back on your findings. It should be sufficiently detailed to substantiate your claims.
Brief description of assessment task This assessment task requires the students to systematically organize the outcomes of their research project. The thesis is a substantial document that represents student progress and accomplishments in the process of completing the research investigation/project. The thesis must be developed over time and should include information about research ideas, questions, design and methodology, experimental data, discussion of results/findings and conclusion. The thesis must persuasively argue the need for research, respond to identified gaps and discuss original contributions that add value to advance the field of study.
Detail of student output This is an individual assessment task based on team work. Each student is required to prepare a comprehensive thesis for submission not exceeding 10,000 words (excluding figures and graphs). The thesis must be structured as required and include all relevant information with appropriate formatting and references
using Harvard style.
ULO1 - Demonstrate an advanced and integrated understanding of a complex body of knowledge in one or more discipline areas by generating substantial contribution to knowledge through the use of appropriate research principles and methods.
ULO2 - Apply critical analysis and reflection to ethically research, synthesize and evaluate complex information, problems, concepts, interpretations and theories to demonstrate cognitive and technical skills in a body of knowledge or practice.
ULO3 - Effectively disseminate research outcomes to a variety of audiences using highly developed communication skills and work productively within a team of experts in the field.
ULO4 - Demonstrate autonomy, expert judgement, adaptability, initiative, resilience and responsibility as a practitioner or learner
This task assesses your achievement of these Graduate Learning Outcome(s) GLO1 -through student demonstration of an advanced and integrated understanding of a complex body of knowledge in one or more discipline areas of IT.
GLO2 - through student demonstration of written communication skills to persuasively argue their contribution to the field of research study.
GLO3 - through student capacity to extract relevant information from a set of self- selected sources.
GLO4 - through student competence in evaluating the need for research by applying critical analysis and reflection to published scholarly work, derive research ideas, methodological concepts, interpretations and theories.
GLO5 - through student competence in applying problem-solving strategies to identify and resolve research problems.
GLO6 - through student ability to reflect on the research outcomes achieved, originality of contribution, and apply code of research ethics. GLO8 - through student ability to evidence application of high-level ethical and professional standards in completing work tasks as required.
Your Minor Thesis should contain at least the following key content. Every research topic and thesis is different so there may well be significant variation in emphasis and focus between students' theses. You should get your supervisor's advice on your thesis outline as soon as possible and feedback on draft sections as you produce them. Your minor thesis should be professionally presented, organized and have a high quality look and feel.
• Cover page with unit number and name, project title, name and student ID, team number, and your supervisor(s)
• Table of content
• Short Abstract summarizing thesis
• Introduction - overview of research area and project
• Background to your research area and project topic - what has been done to date? Use the literature synthesis you prepared to assist you in justifying this
• Motivation / Rationale for this research project - why is it important?
• Problem statement - what are key unsolved research issues in this problem domain?
• Related work - a critical analysis of the literature, including review of key related work, limitations to date, areas the current research project is addressing
• Research methodology you used - what method(s), why chosen, how carried out the research project described in this minor thesis
• Problem analysis, assumptions, main technical contributions that you have made
• Results, evaluation, discussion of your results
• Conclusions, contributions of your research findings, key future work directions and possibilities
• Bibliography - references to all literature using consistent and complete referencing - only references cited in the minor thesis should be included
• Appendices (if needed)
Attachment:- Minor Thesis.rar