SIS40215 Certificate IV in Fitness - Assignment Problem

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Reference no: EM132403014

Work Experience Assessment Manual

SIS40215 - Certificate IV in Fitness (Personal Trainer), Australian Fitness Academy, Australia

Task 1: Sales and Business Processes

Aim of the Task:

To provide students with the opportunity to:

• Understand, experience and participate in the sales process when sourcing new business opportunities

• Understand the staffing arrangement and the responsibilities associated with employment or business operation within the fitness organisation

• Use knowledge of exercise science, behavior change and industry information in day to day work activities

• Source opportunities for maintaining and updating professional skills and knowledge


Have your Supervisor outline the different products and services available at the facility and the processes involved in promoting them.

1. List 10 of the main products and services the business offers and what are the associated costs?

2. Outline a sales and marketing techniques for each of the following:

i) Promoting the business

ii) Generating new clients

iii) Selling products and services

3. a) What is the facilities process for following up their clients post sale to ensure that they are happy with the sale and facility?

b) Does the facility have strategies for retaining clients and generating repeat business? If not, then ask the supervisor what approaches could be taken.

4. a) Review the feedback provided by clients at the facility. What is the general feedback about the sales process and the products and services provided?

b) You note that some of the feedback is negative. Outline a solution you could suggest to resolve two of the issues?

c) A client informs you that they are having difficulties accessing the after-sales support online which includes access to the booking system and their programs. Outline two ways you could assist them in this.

Observe the Supervisor as they conduct a sales meeting (either in person, over the phone or via email) with a prospective client.

5. Outline two sales strategies they used.

6. Describe two changes you observed in the client’s body language or communication throughout the sales meeting that provided you with an indication of how it was progressing?

Have the supervisor play the role of a prospective client and conduct a face to face sales meeting to present the business' products and services, with the aim of obtaining a new sale:

7. Give two examples of how you used each of the following strategies throughout the sales presentation to create a successful sales environment:

a) Body Language (gestures, facial expressions, posture etc.):

b) Persuasive communication, active listening and open ended questions:

c) Trial closes/soft closes:

d) Two Sales aids and outline how they increased client understanding and aligned with their requirements.

e) Cross selling of products and services:

f) Choose one of the products from the above question (7e) and summarise the following:

i) Two features of the product:

ii) Two advantages for the client if they buy this product.

iii) One potential disadvantage:

g) Outline one example of how you communicated the legal obligations of the sale/ contract and ensured that the client understood.

h) Once you have closed the sale, what documentation are you required to complete?

i) How will you ensure that the sale is finalised? Give two examples.

8. If the client was hesitant or resistant to purchasing the products and services you were selling, explain:

a) How would you overcome their resistance to buy?

b) Two difficulties you experienced in the process:

9. Give an example of how you were required to change your sales strategy throughout the meeting to meet the client’s needs:

10. Did the client agree to purchase any products or services (including any up-selling or cross selling options)?

If yes, list the products/services and the strategies you used to close the sale.

If no, explain why not and what strategies you would use to close a similar sale in the future.

Discuss with your Supervisor (or other staff) the staffing arrangements at the facility, preferences for professional registration, insurance and development.

11. Are staff employed or are they sole traders/contractors?

12. Is there a rental fee for personal trainers to conduct their services at the facility or are they paid a salary?

13. Does the facility have a policy that staff must be registered, insured and have a working with children check or police check? Y/ N

i) Outline who the registration and insurance is with?

ii) Give a rationale as to why Personal Trainers should hold a current working with children’s or Police check

14. Does the facility conduct employee performance reviews or in-house programs to assist staff to identify professional development opportunities? If not ask your supervisor to outline what the procedure and programs could be.

15. List two current or emerging professional development courses that other staff members suggest might be useful to enhance your knowledge in the areas of exercise science and motivational psychology once qualified?

16. a) Outline two circumstances where staff members have had to call upon their knowledge of exercise science and motivation and behavior change strategies and apply them to complex client situations?

b) Discuss with your Supervisor and outline an occasion where a client was found to have relapsed in their program and what strategies they used to get the client refocused Discuss with your Supervisor (or other staff) and then outline the processes used to:

17. Book clients into PT sessions or appointments:

18. Bill/invoice and collect payment form clients:

19. Incorporate emerging technology such as Apps, electronic booking systems, programming software etc. if not utilized at the facility, research and outline how it could be used.

Task 2: Planning & Instructing Group Sessions

Aim of the Task:

To provide the student with the opportunity to:

• Plan and instruct fitness sessions and long term programs for groups of clients

• Use different strategies to motivate clients within group sessions

• Develop skills in instructing group sessions, maintaining group coherence and monitoring performance


Assist your Supervisor to instruct a minimum of 6 different group training sessions (with a minimum of 3 and maximum of 12 clients within each session). The sessions may be either indoor or outdoor.

1. Prior to the sessions, question the Supervisor and discuss the following participant information:

a) What are the personal details of the participants in the group? (including pre –exercise screening, health and fitness assessment information, required exercise intensities).

Provide a brief summary:

b) Outline the rationale and procedure for referring any of the clients to a medical and/or an allied health professional?

c) Outline three goals of the clients and the aims of the sessions?

d) Outline three types of exercises and training methods that have been included in past sessions and how the sessions were structured?

2. After assisting with the initial 6 sessions, develop 2 new sessions that progress the group of clients to achieve their goals. Use a variety of PT tools and contemporary equipment.

Include some PNF stretching that participants can perform with a partner in the cool down.

Also include exercises to cover the following: body composition, muscle endurance, cardiovascular endurance and balance.

Use the program card templates to record your session plans

3. Under the supervision of your Supervisor, instruct both sessions to the group.

4. Prior to the sessions, prepare the equipment and exercise space. Identify any checks you would make of the location and equipment to ensure it is safe for use and to reduce risk of injury to the client. Provide a summary.

5. Outline one example of how you have used or would use the following techniques to motivate clients:

i) Rewards:
ii) Self - Monitoring:
iii) Social Support:
iv) Progress Charts:
v) Physical Setting:
vi) Intrinsic Motivation:
vii) Extrinsic Motivation:
viii) Decision Balance Sheets (Pro's vs Con's):

6. From your observations of the clients (body language, physical response, verbal communication), how did they respond to your methods of motivation? Give two examples.

7. Outline two specific challenges associated with instructing:

a) A group session compared to a one on one session?

b) An outdoor group session compared to an indoor session (or vice versa)?

8. Outline two barriers that might prevent an individual from achieving their specific goals in a group training environment?

9. In consultation with your Supervisor, provide an overview of the group’s long term fitness training plan over the next 12 weeks. Your overview should show how the sessions will be modified as the participants’ fitness level increases.

Include the session aims and training methods that will be used to achieve results.

Task 3: Body Composition Analysis & Healthy Eating Information

Aim of the Task:

To provide the student with the opportunity to:

• Use a variety of body composition measures to identify and evaluate the client’s body composition requirements

• Apply knowledge of the relationship between healthy eating, physical activity, body composition and chronic disease.

• Plan, deliver and evaluate a fitness plan to assist the client to achieve body composition related goals. Task:

Have your Supervisor identify a client who is working towards a body composition goal. (e.g. weight loss, hypertrophy, lean muscle mass development).

With the assistance of your Supervisor, organize a time to meet with the client and conduct a body composition analysis for them. Include the following in your consultation:

1. Question the client to confirm their body composition goals, expectations and exercise preferences. Provide a summary:

2. Access and review the previous pre-exercise screening information and body composition analysis results from the client’s personal file in line with the facility’s privacy policies and procedures. Record the results in the table below.

3. Perform a re-test of all the body composition measures previously performed on the client and record the results below. If no previous results are available, perform those marked (*) as a minimum.

4. Explain the body composition results to the client. Include information about the areas they have improved, how their results compare to normal/healthy ranges and how the results align with their goals. Provide a summary of your conversation:

5. Discuss current eating habits with the client. Outline a minimum of two components of their eating habits could they modify to align better with the Eat for Health Program and Australian Dietary Guidelines?

6. Explain to the client the relationship between healthy eating and regular exercise to help achieve their body composition goals and other health benefits. Provide a summary of your conversation:

7. Record the details of your training session on the program card template

8. Under the supervision of your Supervisor, conduct the training session for the client.

9. Following the session, discuss the following with your supervisor to evaluate your performance and the effectiveness of the program:

a) Were your choices of exercises appropriate for the client?

b) Outline the client’s response to the exercises during the session (physiological and psychological)?

c) Discuss with your client and supervisor and outline two improvements/modifications you would make to the session plan and your instruction in the future?

Task 4: Working with Allied Health

Aim of the Task:

To provide the student with the opportunity to:

• Experience the process of continuous communication between a fitness professional and an allied health professional

• Observe and instruct exercise programs developed in collaboration with allied health professionals.


1. Have your Supervisor assist you to identify two personal training clients who have required referral and ongoing communication with an allied health and/or medical professional.

Summarise the reasons for referral and the type of allied health professional involved.

Summarise the ongoing communication between the Allied Health professional and the  personal trainer. :

2. Have the Supervisor show you the client’s personal profile records including pre-exercise screening, health and fitness assessment information and history of communication between the personal trainer and the allied health professional.

Give one example of each the following:

a) How guidance from the allied health professional was communicated to the personal trainer (include how it was documented and what information was included):

b) How the personal trainer updated the allied health professional with feedback on the client’s progress (include information about what information was communicated, how it was communicated and documented and how often):

c) How the communication between the allied health professional and the personal trainer was discussed with the client (e.g. phone, face to face, letter):

3. Based on the client information you have observed, prepare your own referral for each of the 2 clients. Use the template referral forms.
Client details can be left blank for privacy reasons.

4. Discuss with your Supervisor the ways in which advice from the allied health professional has been included in the customised program for each of the clients.

Give specific examples of exercises, modifications to exercises, exclusion of high risk exercises, allocation of variables (such as sets, reps rest etc.) from the personal training program for each client:

5. Assist your Supervisor to instruct and deliver at least one personal training session for each of the two clients where the above guidance from the allied health professional has been included in the program.

a) How did the clients respond to the exercises?

b) Outline one area where they showed signs of intolerance or difficulty and how you addressed the issue

Task 5: Functional Movement Training

Aim of the Task:

To provide the student with the opportunity to:

• Observe and analyse client posture and functional movement patterns

• Instruct functional exercises to promote good posture and restore function.

Task A:

1. Discuss with your Supervisor and identify two functional exercises that can be performed with the following movement patterns:

Movement Pattern

Movement in the transverse / horizontal
Movement incorporating 2 planes in one
Bend to extend movement pattern
Single leg movement pattern
Functional Pull
Functional Push
2 exercises chained together (integrated multi-compound)

2. Perform and practice all functional exercises from Question 1 yourself. Ask your Supervisor to take photos of you performing the exercises and correct your technique where required. Review the photos or video footage yourself and analyse your technique during the movements. Provide a summary of the feedback and teaching points your Supervisor offered, as well as the technique observations you made when reviewing the photos and video footage:

3. Instruct the following PNF / partner assisted stretches and Self Myofascial Release (SMR) techniques with the foam roller on either a client or on your Supervisor. Summarise the key instructional cues you used.

Task B:

4. Have the Supervisor assist you to access documentation (checklists) used at the facility to observe, analyse and promote optimal posture and functional movement capacity of their clients.

a) What resources does the facility have available for trainers and clients?

b) Is there a standard observational checklist and protocol that is used? If not ask your supervisor for what should be included.

c) Is the service available for all clients? If not, then outline why not and how this could be modified.

5. Shadow the Supervisor as they conduct a training session for a client that involves a variety of functional exercises. Prior to the session, discuss the proposed exercise plan with your Supervisor and identify where the following functional movement patterns are included in the program.

List the exercise you identified for each of the functional movement patterns in the table below:

Functional Movement Pattern


Pull (loaded with weight)




Overhead Press (loaded with weight)

Overhead Pull

An unloaded functional exercise

6. As you observe the client performing each of the functional exercises listed in Question 5, pay close attention to the following:

a) Joint mobility and range of motion (ROM)

b) Joint/muscle interaction

c) Joint stability

d) Balance, stability and co-ordination

Make a note of your observations in the following table:

7. With the assistance of your Supervisor, modify the incorrect exercise technique and poor dynamic posture of the client during at least one exercise from the session. Provide a summary of the exercise and how you addressed it:

8. After the session, discuss the following with the client and provide a summary below:

a) The results from your observations in Question 6, including two common/related areas of movement dysfunction and two pieces of advice on any exercise precautions:

b) Two reasons why it’s important to identify dysfunctional movement and poor posture and how it impacts on exercise technique

c) Two common causes of poor posture and dysfunctional movement that may be relevant to the client

9. Following the session, discuss the following with your Supervisor. Provide a summary of each.

a) Three activation or functional exercises that could be used to assist the client to improve posture and functional movement capacity:

b) Three mobilisation stretches /activities that could be used to assist the client to improve posture and functional movement capacity:

c) One proprioception exercise that could be used to improve strength/balance and contribute towards improved functional movement capacity:

10. Instruct each of the activities in Question 9 to the client, or practice instructing them on your Supervisor.

Task 6 : Advanced Exercises for Strength and Conditioning

Aim of the Task:

• To provide the student with the opportunity to:

• Refine own technique and performance of core lifts, advanced exercises, conditioning exercises and exercises using non-traditional equipment.

• Apply strength and conditioning techniques to assist clients to achieve performance related goals

• Observe, instruct and evaluate fitness sessions containing core lifts, advanced exercises, conditioning exercises and exercises using non-traditional equipment.

1. Have your Supervisor identify a client who has a performance based goal (e.g. development of strength, endurance or power for sport specific conditioning). Review the client’s history, program plans and training diaries. Summarise the information below:

2. Observe your supervisor instructing a session with the client. When observing the sessions pay close attention to how and when the supervisor includes the following categories of exercises and equipment in the sessions:

• Advanced exercises

• SAQ drills and Plyometrics

• Strength & Conditioning Core Lifts

• Non-traditional and innovative equipment (eg. Kettlebells, power bands, suspension equipment, etc.)

a) For each exercise category below, give at least two examples of the specific exercises you observed across the sessions.

i) Advanced Exercises:
ii) SAQ/ Plyometrics:
iii) Strength and Conditioning Core Lifts:
iv) Non-Traditional/ Innovative Fitness Equipment:

3. Investigate all the items of non-traditional / innovative equipment the facility has available that can be used as personal training tools. Provide a list of the equipment:

4. Select three equipment options from the question above. For each piece of innovative equipment selected, give an example of three exercises you could perform with the equipment.

The examples you use must be different to the exercises you observed during the sessions in question 3 above. Complete the table on the next page.

5. Practice performing the following exercises yourself. Focus on any unfamiliar equipment and exercises to perfect your own technique.

• All 9 exercises from Question 4

• Core Lifts

o Clean (and press), Barbell Push Press / Push Jerk, Barbell Snatch, Barbell Front Squat, Bench Press (flat and incline variations), Bent Over Barbell Row

• Exercises using a kettlebell or dumbbell:

o KB/DB Single Arm/leg Deadlift, KB/DB Single Arm/leg Snatch, One arm/one leg dumbbell row, Swings (single or double arm)

• Exercises using a swissball:

o Push up, lying triceps extensions, lat pulldowns, roll outs

• Exercises standing on a balance tool (e.g. durasdisc, wobbleboard / BOSU):

o Biceps / hammer / wrist curls, calf raises, triceps pushdowns, side bends

• Exercises using a medicine ball:

o Multi-directionsl lunges (forwards, lateral, reverse), Around the world, reverse crunches

• Integrated cable row

• Chin ups

• Wood chops

• Hip sled

Have your supervisor observe you perform each exercise and ask for their feedback on your technique. Summarise the feedback provided for the following exercises:

i) Barbell Clean (and Press):
ii) Barbell Push Press:
iii) Barbell Snatch:
iv) Kettlebell/ Dumbbell Single-Arm Snatch:
v) Kettlebell/ Dumbbell Single-Leg Deadlift:
vi) Integrated Cable Row:
vii) Woodchop:

6. In consultation with your client and with the assistance of your Supervisor, use the template program card on the following pages to plan and record a session for the same client from Question 1. Ensure your program contains core lifts and advanced exercises to suit the needs of the client.

7. In association with your supervisor, instruct the session for the client. Alternatively, you can have your Supervisor play the role of the client and instruct the session for them.

8. Record a minimum of two modifications that were made to the original session plan and include all notes that you made during the session (e.g. weight lifted, intensity of exercise, client observations and levels of fatigue, rest and recovery, client feedback, etc.)

9. Have your Supervisor provide you with feedback on your instruction and program design. Summarise the feedback and include two suggestions for future improvements:

10. You come across a piece of equipment that is faulty. Outline what you should do.

Attachment:- Fitness Work Experience Manual.rar

Reference no: EM132403014

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