Singly linked list

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM13165386

Singly Linked List (SLL)

Introduce a SLL class with the following functions. Please also introduce a main function

that will invoke and verify whether the functions are implemented correctly. Note your

SLL class should have both "front" and "back" pointers.

1. print() will print out all the contents of a SLL.

2. findKthNodeFromBack(int k) will return the content of k-th node counting from

the back of a SLL. For example:


findKthNodeFromBack(3) will return D.

findKthNodeFromBack(6) will return A.

3. Duplicate() will duplicate each node of a SLL. For example:

A->B->C->D will become

A->A->B->B->C->C->D->D 4. deleteDuplicate() will delete all duplicate nodes in a SLL. For example:

A->E->B->C->D->D->C->E will become




Reference no: EM13165386

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