Single-row and group functions

Assignment Help Theory of Computation
Reference no: EM13893537

Lab #6 will introduce the various aspects of the Single-Row and Group Functions available in the Oracle Database. Most functions can be used in either the SELECT statement or the WHERE clause, but more commonly are used in the SELECT. Chapters 5 and 6 cover most all of the normal processing you use in these functions. In some cases, you will be asked to used more than one function within a single SELECT statement. This lab will utilize the same set of tables found in the script file (LeeBooks.SQL) that were used for Labs 4 and 5. Each query in the script file you will create must be numbered (use --1 comments for numbering) and in order. The SQL for the following exercises should be written using notepad and run in SQL*Plus. Read each problem carefully and follow the directions as stated. A Clean Script File: A script file is meant to be like a program. The file can be run every time the code needs to be executed without having to retype the code again each time. For this reason, it is important that there are no errors in the code inside the file. You can go back and forth between notepad and Oracle when creating your script file to check your queries and verify if they work or not. However, you do not want to create your final output file until after you have verified that everything in your script is correct by running it, in its entirety at least once and viewing the output. Once this has been done, you can create your final output file, with echo to create the document, you can turn in with your lab. Remember in using a spool session, you must type "SPOOL OFF" at the SQL> prompt after your script stops spooling to capture all of your data! Lab Do's and Don't's

Reference no: EM13893537

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Single-row and group functions : Lab #6 will introduce the various aspects of the Single-Row and Group Functions available in the Oracle Database. Most functions can be used in either the SELECT statement or the WHERE clause, but more commonly are used in the SELECT.
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  How to construct an nfa

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  Equivalence classes to construct minimal dfa for language

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  Impact of moore-s law on data center costs

Discuss the impact of Moore's law on data center costs on such things as servers and communications equipment. List at least 3 steps or recommendations your data center can take to offset some or all of the effect of Moore's law.

  Problem encountered in statements in predicate logic

How the problem would be encountered in attempting to represent the following statements in Predicate logic. it should be possible to: John only likes to see French movies.

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