Simulation of industrial systems

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Reference no: EM13529134

Simulation of Industrial Systems

Project Description

Purpose of Project: To provide you with the experience of performing a substantial simulation study. With Rockwell Arena software, you will model a real world system. You should demonstrate the use of as many modeling techniques as possible. You will have to do the following: find a problem or a topic; define the boundaries of the system to be studied; create one or more simulation model(s) of that system; verify your model(s); validate your model(s); design and carry out experiment(s) using the model(s); analyze the results of the experiment(s); and finally, draw conclusions and make recommendation(s) for improvement of the target system.

Result of Project: You will present the project work in the class and will be evaluated by your classmates. The best groups will receive 20% bonus points in the projects. PowerPoint presentation should include: title, outline, project description, project details, model flowchart and animation. A rubric to oral presentation evaluation will be disseminated to help with the presentation.

At the end of semester, you need to submit the project report, the PowerPoint presentation file and the Arena models via Blackboard. Before you submit your files via Blackboard, you need to compress all your files into a .zip file and submit the .zip file. Please remove unnecessary files such as history model files or trail files in your submission before you compress the whole folder. The final project report format should refer to the project grading criteria as below for detailed requirements.

Reference no: EM13529134

Questions Cloud

Define the uncertainty principle for a particle : Consider a macroscopic object of mass 1 g moving with speed 1 cm/s in a 1-D box of length 1 cm. Assuming it obeys the laws of quantum mechanics, which quantum level (n) is the particle in
Define professional socialization : Define professional socialization. Discuss how the criteria of a profession are achieved during the process of professional socialization.
Equilibrium potential and steady state potential : Some of the functions of the eukaryotic organells are performed in bacteria by the . . . . What is the difference between equilibrium potential and steady state potential?
Differences between chemical synapses andgap junctions : How do you explain the differences between chemical synapses andgap junctions using diagrams and recording traces? Can you show mean example or website of this application?
Simulation of industrial systems : To provide you with the experience of performing a substantial simulation study. With Rockwell Arena software, you will model a real world system.
What use is the endospore stain : Spores do not stain easily. perhaps you have seen them as unstained white objects inside bacillys species in other staining procedures. if they are visible as unstianed objects in other staines, of what use is the endospore stain?
Explain how many detergent molecules are containing one mole : A sample of water is polluted with 0.001% detergent molecules. How many detergent molecules are present in a sample containing one mole (6.02* 10^23 molecules) of water
Determine what will be the radius of the orbit : Imagine a Hydrogen atom to consist of a single proton as a nucleus and a single electron, which orbits the proton in a circular path. then what will be the radius of the orbit when it has lost half of its original kinetic energy
Spore stain indicate about the organism : what does a positive result for the spore stain indicate about the organism? what does a negative result for the spore stain indicate about the organism?


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