Reference no: EM133750106
Goal: The purpose of this final project is to take the skills accumulated in our previous work (discipline awareness, ability to perform meaningful research, writing for specific audiences, critical thinking, etc) and put them together under one roof. This project will model both academic writing skills (research paper as genre) and professional writing skills (technical, efficient, and precise composition) while asking you to contribute, in a meaningful way, your voice to the scholarly conversation (discourse) surrounding your topic. You should be using the same topic (though a more focused/narrow version of that topic is encouraged) as you did for your Lit Review, so that your argument/proposal can build onto the discourse of the field.
Audience:Your audience for this paper will be the CEO, Director, Leader, President, etc of your chosen exhibit body (ie the CEO of Facebook, the President of the University, or the Director of IT at Target) - someone who can help you put your plan into action, but needs to be persuaded, made aware of benefits/risks, etc. First person is acceptable here, but not a requirement. The audience must be a real, concrete, researchable body/group of people (or a person) who can enact/advocate change towards your plan. This can be a company, an advocacy group, a governmental body, a school district, a non-profit, etc etc. It cannot be "anyone who thinks X" or "People that..." -- it needs to be a clearly defined and researchable audience so that you can research how to address them and what rhetorical decisions you should make in appealing to them.
Scenario: [Your EXHIBIT] has recently put out an ad for an expert consultant in [Your Field] to help turn things around for them. They've recently been struggling because a specific problem and they are looking for someone with knowledge in the field who is creative and has good critical thinking skills, to identify the problem and propose a specific, plausible (realistic - this means no magic, but based in reality and backed-up by research/data) solution. They are accepting proposals from a number of competitive consultants in the field and will select the best, most persuasive and well-supported plan (and pay handsomely!).
Format:The format of this project will be specifically modeled to simulate the experience of composing a persuasive, academic research paper, while simultaneously borrowing from proposal, prospectus, and other professional writing forms.Full formatting and section details are discussed on the next page.Beyond the listed section/goal requirements, you may format this paper as you see fit. It need not resemble a traditional research paper, as it is not a traditional research paper. Include: Title page, body of paper, references page, all double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12pt font.
How political systems influenced the nature or responses
: Select two countries and compare their responses to the pandemic with the objective of analyzing how political systems influenced the nature or responses.
Conduct a deeper level of critical evaluation
: Conduct a strategic analysis of two companies and Then, use Spotify in India to conduct a deeper level of critical evaluation
Surviving sepsis campaign
: Based on updated recommendations from the Surviving Sepsis Campaign: International Guidelines for Management of Sepsis and Septic Shock 2021,
What is the consumer surplus
: Under the optimal quantity you found in part 2, what is the consumer surplus? What is the producer surplus? What is total surplus?
Simulate the experience of composing a persuasive
: simulate the experience of composing a persuasive, academic research paper, while simultaneously borrowing from proposal, prospectus, and other professional
What areas of clinical judgment could you improve
: In what areas of clinical judgment could you improve, Give examples of your actions, thought processes, etc. maternal new born
Support staff and patients and their outcomes
: Leadership is about serving others to support staff and patients and their outcomes.
What would your answer be
: The U.S. Department of Agriculture, in a monthly report Friday, pegged corn output this autumn at 13.555 billion bushels on yields. What would your answer be?
Briefly mention how consent form and demographics
: illustrate the stroop tests. Briefly mention how Consent Form and Demographics Questionnaire support this experiment.